A Course in Miracles

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Can anyone tell me if studying “A Course in Miracles” would be “out of line” for a true catholic? That is, is this spiritual study program heretical?
Can anyone tell me if studying “A Course in Miracles” would be “out of line” for a true catholic?
Yes. Try St. Ignatius instead.
It’s a bunch of contradictory BS, written in flowery, emotional language.

It appeals to people of non-denominational religions, pantheist religions, pagans - there’s only one precept, from which thousands of pages and a huge stack of books have followed:
Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Therein lies the peace of God.
I used to have many, many verses of CIM memorized - and some of the ideas it contained aren’t going to be harmful. Forgive your brother. What’s the harm in that, right? We could probably all be better at forgiveness.

But, it doesn’t teach you that the grace to forgive comes from the Creator - it comes from your own will. That’s the harm in it - everyone becomes their own little God.

God is not to be worshipped or praised or thanked, because God is us. Jesus was just our elder brother, not our Savior. There’s nothing He did that we couldn’t do ourselves, if we put our backs into it. Christians spend too much time thinking about the Crucifixion and not enough on the Resurrection. And we can resurrect ourselves, if we just have faith enough. We can cure the sick and perform miracles. (Lord, have mercy!)
There is no order of difficulty in miracles.
This is supposed to teach us that if we “get it” well enough to cause a little shift in our perception and forgive, (thereby acheiving peace, “a miracle”) we should have no problem raising the dead or moving a mountain, because all miracles come from the same substance - which each of us have access to. There’s no such thing as little miracles and big miracles.

And for God, of course, there is not. For us humans, though… :rolleyes:
Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order. They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward. They undo the past in the present, and thus release the future.
Trials are but lessons that you failed to learn presented once again, so where you made a faulty choice before you now can make a better one, and thus escape all pain that what you chose before has brought to you.
That second snippet used to be my favorite quote from the whole book. Can you see how attractive the idea would be to someone who rejected the need for a Savior, denied that my shortcomings could have ever been a part of the need to nail Christ to the cross? That was me. We are our own Saviors, as soon as we change our minds. You don’t need any help getting to heaven because we are in heaven NOW… if we merely shift our perception. (Christ, have mercy!)

There is a lot of stuff in those books that are completely antithetical to Christianity. It is supposedly Jesus himself who is speaking in CIM, channelled through (a cracked pot named) Helen Schucman, an atheist doctor of psychology. There have been enough questions raised and enough varying stories told about the “miraculous” nature of the dictation that I would not trust it - its source is dubious at best.

Twenty years ago was a different story, unfortunately. My step-mom got into CIM and then so did I, buying every book associated with it that I could find. I did my best to live the teachings. And I had an experience that still hurts to think about - God found a shocking way to let me know that I was headed down the wrong path, even though I didn’t even know it was God, at the time. I thought I’d just messed up in the application. But it was enough to get me to stop trying to live that course and start looking for something else.

I am horrified that so many Christian churches and even some Catholic parishes have begun CIM studies! Good grief, they’ve got their hands full of the evil one when they pick up one of those books and they’re going to pass them along to their parishioners and teach them that the books are full of authoritative teachings from Christ? :eek: They won’t believe in the message of Fatima, and they’ll sneer at you for praying the rosary, but they’ll fall for this new age mumbo-jumbo?

**Dear Lord, forgive us our ignorance. **
It’s a bunch of contradictory BS, written in flowery, emotional language. …
Thank you, ElizabethJoy – that was definitely the best description of CIM I’ve ever read!
They won’t believe in the message of Fatima, and they’ll sneer at you for praying the rosary, but they’ll fall for this new age mumbo-jumbo?

My humble advice would be to stay away from A Course in Miracles. It’s New Age.

I have a friend, ex-Catholic, on her 3rd marriage. She feels that “we are all God” - God is not seperate from us. She gave me the book as a gift and I got it out of my home as soon as I could.

Study the lives of all the Saints. The Catholic Church is the only true way. We don’t need “A Course in Miracles.”
shannin said:
\ It’s New Age.

Exactly my point…thank you! 👍 We must be careful though…emotionalism can found in any faith denomination, not only New Age. And you add to the fact that New Age is very occultic…You play with fire too much…you get burnt!
It’s a bunch of contradictory BS, written in flowery, emotional language.

**Dear Lord, forgive us our ignorance. **

Peace and Blessings
It’s a bunch of contradictory BS, written in flowery, emotional language.
There is a lot of BS in the world…if it was only that, then it wouldn’t be so bad. But because it has seductive attraction of a cult (and occult), then that is where the trouble is! BS does not necessarily correlate to occult…but the occult is a lot of **dangerous **BS!
The Course in Miracles is every bit as bad as everyone has been saying here.
A number of years ago, I was totally exhausted physically, & in a very dry period spiritually. Someone got me a copy of it. I startes to read it, & I felt alarm bells go off in my head, but I kept going back to it. I finally did what I should have done at the start: I got it out of my house and I almost immediately began to feel better.
I have come to realize that I was in extreme spiritual danger from just having the book. It is a somewhat subtle lie about God & truth, and the father of lies is the devil.
Please, please, have nothing to do with it. I firmly believe that it will be the cause of many people ending up in hell, because they will turn away from the true God, and the only Saviour Jesus Christ from this book’s influence.
God bless you, & keep you & yours away from this very occultic book!
Avoid, avoid, avoid!

I don’t need to add anything to what has been said here. ElizabethJoy has said all that needs saying and the EWTN things are probably good but I haven’t read them. If there really are catholic parishes studying the thing I am very horrified. Lord, have mercy.

I was quite into CiM before I was a Christian - I suppose it appealed greatly to a sincerely seeking teenager. Thankfully, I’m not very disciplined by nature so never finished the exercises. Also thankfully I never got to know people more into it. (Less thankfully I was far more influenced by other new age things)
If you want “A Course in Miracles” go and study the Gospels!

If you want a course in how good is my Ego - then go and buy (or borrow from your publivc library because I bet they got one) then read CIM.

I speak from experience here kiddies; for years I was led astray by all this ‘New Age’ BS. And BS it certainly is. Avoid! Your time is better spent reading Mathew, Mark, Luke and John while sat in awesome adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Yeah I read that book back in the 80’s—a bunch of new agey, creative visualization, positive thinking stuff. It seemed helpful to my life at the time. But I wouldn’t go near it now as a Catholic.
Here is a non religious condeming thread on ACIM

Here is a classic quote from Fr Groeschel:

Mrs. Schucman, [the founder of a Course IN Miracles] a Columbia University professor and psychologist, was
an acquaintance of Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. (seen on EWTN).
Fr. Groeschel gave a eulogy at her funeral. Fr. Groeschel wrote (2),
“This woman who had written so eloquently that suffering really did
not exist spent the last two years of her life in the blackest
psychotic depression I have ever witnessed.”
The basis of the appeal for books like ACIM is that people want to witness, or know about, miracles so as to confirm their faith in God. This is a perfectly legitimate desire.

The problem is it is hard to find examples of miracles in post-Biblical times that are associated with a person we know of. For example, the 66 or so confirmed miracles of Lourdes mostly happened after Bernadette’s death. This does not appeal to our imagination. Also, the authorities confirming the miracles are usually Church officials, and so the skeptical may say “Yeah, well, they have an ax to grind”.

Is there an example that to some extent takes care of these problems? Yes The example is of Joan of Arc. There are many miraculous events associated with Joan and her activities in earthly life. And, the information we have comes from testimony of lay persons and secular documents, besides Church documents.

See here: joanofarcpo.com/ABOUT10
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