Albert Kopsho:
Only someone who is morally bankrupt would not have self restraint when it comes to the opposite sex and only someone who is morally bankrupt would assume that a man and a woman who is residing in the same domicile is not employing the use of separate sleeping quarters with fornication not transpiring. They could put a sign on the outside of the domicile stating that the use of separate sleeping quarters is being employed and that fornication is not transpiring and that would take care of the idiots that have their minds in the gutter all the time.
Morally bankrupt. Boy, that has a really nice ring to it. Do you mean anyone who is a sinner?
Now, I may be a bit naieve, but I have yet to meet a couple who is living together in a residence who are not sleeping together before marriage. Maybe it is just happening in Oregon (after all, we are either 1st or 2nd in being the most unchurched state in the nation). Maybe everywhere else, all these couples are
co-habiting, but not co-pulating.
Maybe pigs fly, too.
And then, again, maybe not.
And yes, they could put a sign up stating that they are living as brother and sister.
By the way, if someone else’s mind is in the gutter, one might ask how it got there. Couldn’t be that it observed behavior that ran counter to the moral code, could it? Or are you suggesting that it just sort of strolled (or maybe rolled) into that gutter, all by its lonesome self, and because it was residing in the gutter, it somehow came up with a lacivious thought that this fine, upstanding, highly moral couple was doing something untoward?
You seem to be making the statement that living in the immediate proximity of serious sin is a highly normal, non-stressful, non-tempting existence and only the most depraved of individuals would give in. I’m curious how you arrived at such an interesting view of human nature. Perhaps it is that you and I are reading a different book (of course, less there be any misunderstanding, I refer to the Bible)?
Or are we just from different planets? Me, of course, and all those other morally bankrupt individuals being from the Planet Laciviousness, and you from the Planet Pristine Purity?
So I take it that Christ’s, and Paul’s condemnation of giving scandal is all wrong, and we’ve just mis-translated it, and they are really condeming all those low-life guttersnipes. Or maybe it wasn’t mis-translated; we’re idiots and don’t know how to read. What with our minds in the gutter all the time, as you say.