I had a discussion in another thread and an idea comes to my mind. The problem is as following: The question is that how God could possibly convince Adam and Eve in the first place that He is the creator? Eve and Adam apparently start to have experience immediately after creation hence they were closed to what happened before. This means that we are dealing with a serious dilemma as following: how any intellectual being could be convinced whether the act of creation is true or not? The story of creation of Eve and Adam is then paradoxical considering the following facts: 1) They were intellectual beings so they could doubt about creation, 2) There exists a supreme being so called God who created them and 3) They were convinced that they were created by God.
The story is very simple: How could they possibly being convinced that God is creator when they didn’t have any experience before creation and the fact that they were intellectual being so they could doubt?
The story is very simple: How could they possibly being convinced that God is creator when they didn’t have any experience before creation and the fact that they were intellectual being so they could doubt?