A dillema

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I had a discussion in another thread and an idea comes to my mind. The problem is as following: The question is that how God could possibly convince Adam and Eve in the first place that He is the creator? Eve and Adam apparently start to have experience immediately after creation hence they were closed to what happened before. This means that we are dealing with a serious dilemma as following: how any intellectual being could be convinced whether the act of creation is true or not? The story of creation of Eve and Adam is then paradoxical considering the following facts: 1) They were intellectual beings so they could doubt about creation, 2) There exists a supreme being so called God who created them and 3) They were convinced that they were created by God.

The story is very simple: How could they possibly being convinced that God is creator when they didn’t have any experience before creation and the fact that they were intellectual being so they could doubt?
Eve and Adam apparently start to have experience immediately after creation hence they were closed to what happened before.
In the second account of creation in Genesis 2, Adam was created before other creatures.
In the second account of creation in Genesis 2, Adam was created before other creatures.
You didn’t get my point. My point is that how Adam could convince himself knowing the fact that he was not witness of his creation and the fact that he was able to doubt.
I had a discussion in another thread and an idea comes to my mind. The problem is as following: The question is that how God could possibly convince Adam and Eve in the first place that He is the creator? Eve and Adam apparently start to have experience immediately after creation hence they were closed to what happened before. This means that we are dealing with a serious dilemma as following: how any intellectual being could be convinced whether the act of creation is true or not? The story of creation of Eve and Adam is then paradoxical considering the following facts: 1) They were intellectual beings so they could doubt about creation, 2) There exists a supreme being so called God who created them and 3) They were convinced that they were created by God.

The story is very simple: How could they possibly being convinced that God is creator when they didn’t have any experience before creation and the fact that they were intellectual being so they could doubt?
Seems to me that there are three distinct possibilities which would explain their own existence to A&E:
  1. They unwittingly bootstrapped themselves into existence.
  2. The conscious loci of the awareness of their own subjective identity came about as the accidental product of innumerable collisions of atomic particles.
  3. Their conscious self-realization was brought to them courtesy of the omniscient and omnipotent omnibenevolence that is the self-aware I AM grounding all existence.
I would suspect 3) since The Eternal I AM spoke to and through every bone and cell of their beings in the very process of calling them into being.

Recall that this was before they definitively alienated themselves from God and from their own beings by that very first sin.
How did they know to hide from God because they were naked? why did they feel ashamed not to be clothed?
While Adam may have witnessed things popping into existence, he could entertain the same happening to himself as well. At least for Eve, however, she would not have seen that, right? But she would surely have experienced herself forgetting things, so it would seem to always be a much more likely occurrence that she just didn’t remember existing than that she magically popped into existence.
They literally walked with God in the garden. They didn’t need faith or philosophy; they were as certain of Him as of their own (nekkid) bodies!

You didn’t get my point. My point is that how Adam could convince himself knowing the fact that he was not witness of his creation and the fact that he was able to doubt.
You were not witness to your own creation my friend. Do you doubt your Mother and Father?
We have in us Natural Laws (from God) people should study them it may help answer
many question. (they are not the laws of nature but the Natural laws).
Recognition is a big part of the Natural Laws.

As for myself I am a 1962 model Adam, (yes, yes, old, rusty and with a belly-button).
I was not witness to my own creation but
I know with every fibre of my being that God is my creator, my Father
and I have never had to convince myself of this fact.
does that mean that nothing about me is real? No.

(you don’t have to respond, I am just passing through):tiphat:
In the second account of creation in Genesis 2, Adam was created before other creatures.
But, it would be a presumption on our part to guess that Adam witnessed the creation of the animals. 😉
This means that we are dealing with a serious dilemma as following: how any intellectual being could be convinced whether the act of creation is true or not? The story of creation of Eve and Adam is then paradoxical considering the following facts: 1) They were intellectual beings so they could doubt about creation, 2) There exists a supreme being so called God who created them and 3) They were convinced that they were created by God.

The story is very simple: How could they possibly being convinced that God is creator when they didn’t have any experience before creation and the fact that they were intellectual being so they could doubt?
I’m with GEddie: they had face-to-face experience with talking to God. Their relationship with Him here on earth was personal and unmediated in a way that no one else has since experienced. So, to come into such intimate contact with one’s Creator leaves no doubt in a person’s mind; in fact, doubting the Creator would be a sign of mental illness. 😉
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