A disturbing thing I read on a Catholic grad school program webpage

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This college talked about honoring and respecting diversity and global perspectives. On what, exactly? It says it will embrace Judeo-Christian beliefs and be close to the Bible (or something to that regard)–what beliefs? The misinterpreted one that says above all the 3 virtues, love is the highest? Which kind of love? Global perspectives have unChristian versions of love it embraces. What wisdom and knowledge informs its charity? It doesn’t really say. Why will it only say it is a Catholic college in that it adheres to the spirit of the universal “catholic”? Is that like the “spirit” of Vatican 2? Why is it so sheepish in lowercasing the “C” in Catholic?

A Catholic college should be 100% Catholic in its teachings on anything or become a non-Catholic or secular school if it is more afraid of the scorn of the scientific or other institutions run by militant atheists than it is of God’s scorn for being too embarassed to include Him in His own creations. It should be proud enough about its Faith to do ingrain the Faith in all its teachings on ethics, at least, because its teachings on these things either came straight from Christ or were inspired later by understanding of Christ’s teaching. Even Protestant reformers borrowed from our moral teachings. All fears that that will produce some Catholic fascists amongst its faculty or in their Catholic students’ careers in whatever field is like the fear that Mel Gibson’s movie would ignite religious hate crimes–a fear most likely inspired by Satan. After all, Mel played an Episcopalean priest in one movie and had a devout Jewish woman, who had no problems with him or his film, in a starring role in “The Passion”. No religious hate crimes except maybe one, which cannot be directly linked to the movie, occured and it made people convert to Jesus, in general. In fact, the devil probably wants Catholic people’s Catholic faith diminished through this self-conscious approach to its own college’s professed “faith tradition”–the Catholic Faith.
 I could be wrong about all this and the college could be on the right track but the language looks way too much like syncretism of some kind.  Tell me, am I way off with this conclusion
I will not honor and respect all diversity or global beliefs (as some contradict truth, common decency, reason and my Faith, but I will respect and honor those individuals who deserve it) as it describes the theme of one of its classes.

Sorry, but it looks like I will have more difficulty than I thought not providing my opinions. These are just ideas. I may learn something tomorrow that could change them. You can just consider them.
It seems you ahve found a website that even you admit says nothign wrong, it just not define every detail down to the point where absolutely no reservation could be had.

For you to take statements and interprete them in the worst light lacks charity and decency.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
This college talked about honoring and respecting diversity and global perspectives. On what, exactly?
It won’t shoot the Muslems who attend the school, it respects other cultural understanding in its teaching, never mocking traditions
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
It says it will embrace Judeo-Christian beliefs and be close to the Bible (or something to that regard)–what beliefs?
Sorry to tell you but Catholosism is Judeo-Christian
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
The misinterpreted one that says above all the 3 virtues, love is the highest?
Love is the greatest…check 1 Corrinthinas 13…
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
Which kind of love?
See above
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
Global perspectives have unChristian versions of love it embraces.
Dosn’t mean we shouldn’t know about it
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
What wisdom and knowledge informs its charity?
Umm, its good to know about other cultures in a Catholic environment
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
It doesn’t really say.
Maybe it assumes that you should know
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
Why will it only say it is a Catholic college in that it adheres to the spirit of the universal “catholic”?
Spirit of Catholosism…giving of yourself over being selfish.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
Is that like the “spirit” of Vatican 2?
C’mon now thats a low blow…Vatican 2 is perfectly legal
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
Why is it so sheepish in lowercasing the “C” in Catholic?
Catholic isn’t always a proper noun
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
A Catholic college should be 100% Catholic in its teachings on anything or become a non-Catholic or secular school if it is more afraid of the scorn of the scientific or other institutions run by militant atheists than it is of God’s scorn for being too embarassed to include Him in His own creations. It should be proud enough about its Faith to do ingrain the Faith in all its teachings on ethics, at least, because its teachings on these things either came straight from Christ or were inspired later by understanding of Christ’s teaching. Even Protestant reformers borrowed from our moral teachings. All fears that that will produce some Catholic fascists amongst its faculty or in their Catholic students’ careers in whatever field is like the fear that Mel Gibson’s movie would ignite religious hate crimes–a fear most likely inspired by Satan. After all, Mel played an Episcopalean priest in one movie and had a devout Jewish woman, who had no problems with him or his film, in a starring role in “The Passion”. No religious hate crimes except maybe one, which cannot be directly linked to the movie, occured and it made people convert to Jesus, in general. In fact, the devil probably wants Catholic people’s Catholic faith diminished through this self-conscious approach to its own college’s professed “faith tradition”–the Catholic Faith.
Is Weekely Mass offered on this campus, if not Daily Mass? Most likely it is, wich means that students attend.
Is there faith based voulenteer groups?
You are going overboard here…
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
I will not honor and respect all diversity or global beliefs (as some contradict truth, common decency, reason and my Faith, but I will respect and honor those individuals who deserve it) as it describes the theme of one of its classes.
What better way to learn about different cultures than within a Catholic environment? I can’t think of any better way.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
Sorry, but it looks like I will have more difficulty than I thought not providing my opinions. These are just ideas. I may learn something tomorrow that could change them. You can just consider them.
I would like to know what college this is anyway…
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
 I could be wrong about all this and the college could be on the right track but the language looks way too much like syncretism of some kind.  Tell me, am I way off with this conclusion
Work(name removed by moderator)rogress, while I can certainly understand your concern (My own formation in the church suffered greatly from the watered-down catechesis prevelant in the 80s and 90s), we have to tread lightly when correcting errors of … shall we say, lukewarness, with great charity and love.

Peace and God bless! 🙂

It’s charity that kept me from mentioning the link. It’s the wording that disturbs me.

I said the “spirit” of Vatican 2–false interpretations of what Vatican 2 said. Don’t you watch EWTN?

Catholicism is Judeo-Christian, but so is Methodist, Presbyterrianism, etc. A Catholic school should capitalize the “Catholic” because Catholicism has its own teachings, the Holy Spirit’s teachings and they should be proud to teach subjects guided by it as societies were run the best by it as long as leaders and people were docile to all its teachings (BTW understanding, charity and social justice was not discovered or adopted by the Church by Vatican 2, but understood it long before the Church had rivals so it is the most sufficient for integration into fields of study where ethics is involved or where other fields may be applied socially). If someone wants to go to a Judeo-Christian college, they have many others to go to but they may not be any happier. Many others call themselves, Catholic, Methodist, etc. and are obviously afraid of the world’s scorn and teach courses that require ethics as atheistically as possible. I think EWTN, the Wanderer, Adoremus Bulletin and maybe even the National Catholic Register either advertises or would be happy to advertise good Catholic schools–especially high schools and colleges.

How mass is conducted, if done so, is a good question. Do priests wear the collar on campus and nuns, at least a headpiece? Where’s the tabernacle? I don’t know. I didn’t check up on that.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
It’s the wording that disturbs me.
If you ar disturbed, that’s an issue for you, particularly if you are thinking of enrolling at this school.

If this is just a website you stumbled along to, I would suggest you cool your jets. So they do not go into the detail YOU would prefer, with your perference for certain details and not others.

BTW, priest-professors wearing the clerical collar is an innovation. I think you need to get in touch with your own knowledge of Catholicism before you start instructing others.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
I said the “spirit” of Vatican 2–false interpretations of what Vatican 2 said. Don’t you watch EWTN?
Not everyone considers EWTN the last word in Catholicism. For me the main attraction to Catholicism is its tradition of diversity and its respect for truly discerning consciences as the final arbiter. I don’t understand why so many people think their conscience and their interpretation of church and “Catholcim” is the “right” and only acceptable perspective.
"C"atholic: with a capital “C”. Catholic :The Church that Jesus started using Peter as it’s earthly head.

"c"atholic with a small “c”. catholic means universal.

When you hear the word “diversity” coming from an educational institution you can bet the leaders are Liberal.

I have 2 grand children in one of the best Catholic Elementary Schools in the nation (grades 3 and 1). A Nun teaches Religion, and I want them to learn Catholocism BEFORE they start tinkering with their minds. So far all is O.K. But there are zelots in Universities.
Exporter said:
"C"atholic: with a capital “C”. Catholic :The Church that Jesus started using Peter as it’s earthly head.

"c"atholic with a small “c”. catholic means universal.

When you hear the word “diversity” coming from an educational institution you can bet the leaders are Liberal.

You are correct. “Diversity” is a favorite battlecry of liberals.

Gerry 🙂
Exporter said:
When you hear the word “diversity” coming from an educational institution you can bet the leaders are Liberal.

And when you see racism and anti-Semitism, you can bet the leaders are not liberal.
Dear Katherine2:

I have to say that I would certainly question a Catholic institution’s focus on diversity (whether it’s a Catholic university, parish, hospital, or whatever.) After all, doesn’t St. Paul want us to focus instead on what unites us?
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and femal; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28)
Frankly, I find it somewhat manipulative for organizations to use people’s differences against each other.

Dear Katherine2:

Frankly, I find it somewhat manipulative for organizations to use people’s differences against each other.

I do to. That’s why I celebrate diversity.
You lost me…You’re not saying that diversity should supplant that which we have in common are you?
Reading a thread like this completely reinforces the notion of religious intolerance…The simple matter of the fact is work(name removed by moderator)rogress has absolutely no logical basis for making it’s claim…it is looking for something to hate…to rally against…to war against…It sounds like just the type of thing that is part and parcel to ruining are world…I bet it voted for the Bushmaster.
You lost me…You’re not saying that diversity should supplant that which we have in common are you?
No. Diversity affirms what we have in common.
Reading a thread like this completely reinforces the notion of religious intolerance…The simple matter of the fact is work(name removed by moderator)rogress has absolutely no logical basis for making it’s claim…it is looking for something to hate…to rally against…to war against…It sounds like just the type of thing that is part and parcel to ruining are world…I bet it voted for the Bushmaster.
Re-read your post.

Looking for something to hate?
Re-read your post.

IT? Very tolerant! :cool:
The fact that EWTN is looked down upon by the far left and the far right makes it seem to be on the right track. Sticking with Rome while being straight about what leaders have done wrong/being charitable in telling us (in telling us what’s good in other faiths) what is wrong with other faiths and what is special (in its fullness of faith) about ours also makes it more right than most groups that dislike what they say. Sure, I like the FSSP but, for where we are now with Vatican 2 and the novus ordo mass, this is what to watch–especially if you can’t find a priest that tells you charitably what is and what ain’t. It’s almost like a non-human saint made of a collective of top notch theologians, clergy, and others well versed in the faith except that sometimes the host can make a mistake. For example, despite what Mother Angelica said, I don’t think all who went down in the planes on 9/11 were saved. There could have been an unrepentent grave sinner on board.
I have no opinions how I want the Church to be exactly. I would not care about half the things I do if it had not been for EWTN. I could have been on left making ill-informed acts of mercy while unwittingly serving the UN and Planned Parenthood in their eugenics program or I could have been on the farthest-right (though an unusual book by Mr. Davies, though I don’t recommend his stuff to one without canon law and Church history to understanbd his complaints, brought me back to the center) saying that noone can ever be saved without being Catholic and one with salvific grace at that while talking trash about the high clergy just like the far-left does when either don’t hear what they like.
About the collars, well we need to see them. We need to see nuns in the street in at least a nun’s headwear, We need to see tall churches with beautiful art on the outside and inside even if it is made of wood and has unpainted sculptures of wood inside or at least not a sign of a trend of deemphasizing high art. Why do we need to see these kind of things? I’d say one reason is God works through people and their talents and He has even instructed people to build these things in the Bible with those talents. I heard that poor people early in the last century and before have put their money into the building of these gorgeous tributes to Him and not the quicky slop-job (that is sometimes an energy-saving, multi-purpose, high-tech wonder) that’s merely a convenience to our feelings and modern architecture trends. The rock/mariachi music is also a modernist delight and I believe it raises noone’s soul, but you can dance to it.
What would you rather see towering over buildings and roads, advertisements for strip show places or spires of a church? What symbols would you rather see walking around town, the symbols of God and the beautiful things He has accomplished through us in the habits of priests, brothers and nuns or the symbols of the smut inspired by concupiscience if not inspired by Satan himself in the appearance of guys and women walking around in skimpy outfits, trashy things written on their clothes, and/or with colored hair? Now ask yourself whether it really matters when priests started wearing collars.
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