A dream that is bothering me

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I had a dream I was walking in a church past the pews to the back of the church. I was going down the small incline and was stopped at an intersection pretty much. It was an intersection of the hall I was walking and a small room. Standing there was my great aunt, Cioci Helen. She passed away when I was maybe 8-9 years old. We were not close and saw her not so often. But, she was standing in the room with a smile on her face like she was so happy to see me. She was dressed in this church suit with matching hat like she use to wear. I was in shock because in my mind I remembered thinking “she is gone, she’s not suppose to be here”. She began talking to me and we were talking about how nice the church was that we were in. I told her I started going to a seventh day adventist church and dont go to a Catholic Church any more. She gave a chuckle and said “oh yes, I remember them. I was always told to stay away from them”. Than she pointed towards the back of me and said “look”. When I turned around there was an opened metal safe. When I looked in there was a manela envelope with a bunch of papers and clippings sticking out but I didnt read them because I remember thinking that I didnt know who they belonged to and I didnt have permission to read them. When I turned around she was walking down the hallway out of the church. I put the envelope back in the safe and followed her. When I got out of the church it was a beautiful day with a blue sky and infront of me was this great hill with steps carved into it. All the sudden my brother in law was next to me and I tried telling him that I just saw my dead aunt and talked to her. I looked infront of me back at the hill in the distance and I saw my Aunt walking almost near the top with 2 other ladies following behind her wearing similar clothes but different colors. When all of them had reached the top they opened umbrellas up like in Mary Poppins and were carried up into the sky. I heard my brother in law next to me say “I cant believe it. Its happening” and his mouth just hung opened. I closed my eyes and felt him take hold of my left hand and someone was on my right and took my hand. I remember wondering who was holding my right hand because I dont remember anyone standing next to me. Than I had the sensation of being lifted up into the air and thinking I cant believe this is happening. All the sudden it came into my mind that I wasnt going up, that I was going down. And all the sudden my hands left theirs and I had the sensation of falling. I feel into water and there was no sky, everything was just a misty gray. But, there were bodies all over the water and these things swimming around that looked like people but they were swimming like eels and had teeth like sharks and were chomping as they swam through the water. I remember looking all around and thinking that I am never getting out of here, that I was stuck and doomed here forever. It has been weighing on my mind so much because I dont know if it is just my subconscious worries or something bigger of either good or evil intent, any thoughts?
First I have to ask a question or two. Did you talk to anyone early in the day about past relatives? Ghosts or anything scary? Second would be did you watch anything about fish or aquatic animals prior to your dream? I have many weird dreams but I look back to what I might have watched or talked about prior to sleeping.
First of all, it would be helpful if you would type in paragraphs. The above huge wall of text is extremely difficult to read.

Second of all, it’s really not appropriate for a bunch of strangers on the internet to be trying to interpret an extremely detailed dream like this. We don’t know you and we don’t know what all this stuff means to you, or alternatively it could just be your brain clearing out its circuits at the end of the day and mean nothing. Dream interpretation can very quickly veer into New age type stuff which is a no-no for Catholics.

Third, if you’re bothered by a dream you should pray over it and ask God to enlighten you, not post it on the Internet and ask people to tell you whether it’s your subconscious or not. If the dream continues to bother you, I would suggest you discuss it with your family, your priest, and/or a mental health counselor.
This is an open forum. I did not go against any rules. I am not looking into new age intercession. . . . But, I appreciate your response.
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If anyone finds this inappropriate I am sorry, please give no responses and just allow this post to close
I’m new here and I don’t know whether it’s inappropriate or not, but I’d like to help, if I can. I think some caution is warranted regarding dream analysis, so that it’s usually better not to get into it. The issue is that it can be dangerous and possibly even a form of occult (a type of sin) if one were to organize their life around their dreams. An example of that might be if a person started seeking messages from their dreams and then acting according to them. Stay away from that kind of thing, for sure.

On the other hand, I think almost everyone has probably had an experience where a dream made them pause and think. St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas both have written about dreams and their significance. St. Augustine for example said that dreams can reflect the physiological or mental states of the dreamer, and also admitted the possibility of God speaking to a person through their dreams. While we probably shouldn’t assume the latter is happening and none of us could tell you that, and we definitely shouldn’t take our dreams so seriously as to fall into something occult or New Age, I think one can be triggered by a dream to then go and think about something significant to them. Like for example, someone dreams that they fail the test they’ve been studying for, and it makes them pause and think that maybe they should study more. Not because the dream told them to or anything like that, but because the content of the dream just so happened to make them remember or realize how important it is to them to do well on the test.

If approached like that, we might be able to talk about what thoughts or concerns happened to be triggered by the dream. For instance, rather than try to figure out what aspects of the dream mean as if it had a kind of message, maybe we could instead focus on your reactions to the dream? (Someone correct me if even this is inappropriate.) What is it that’s bothering you? What concerns has it brought up?
Thank you OnWings for your response. This is exactly what I needed. After reading your response and thinking it over I realise what’s bothering me. I have been studying about not only Catholicism but on a majority of denominations. This dream really encompassed a lot of the beliefs of different denominations that I am confused about because they are different from what I have learned. I remember reading that day about purgatory and our dead relatives still being alive. It is a bit difficult for me to accept. And I remember my Aunt was very devout. I remember her holding up her gold cross necklace to me and trying to explain what it meant. And I think this stems from my deep fear of making the wrong decisions and disappointing God and losing Him. And my real want to have Him give me a blatantly obvious sign that I am making the right choices. Thank you so much for being understanding and helping me think this out.
It’s so good that you want to please God and make the right decisions. I think a lot of people assume that our choices don’t matter to God, but actually he’s very interested in us and does care what we do. I mean not necessarily on the level of whether we wear red or blue socks today, but the important things. Learning about God and discerning true teaching from error is one of those things that matters. Almost every Christian church/denomination teaches that Jesus Christ is not only the son of God, but actually himself is God, along with the Father and Holy Spirit, who make up the Holy Trinity. Yet, there are some denominations that don’t teach this, that teach that Jesus was simply a man. One can only imagine what kinds of spiritual consequences there might be if someone doesn’t learn the truth in matters as important as this.

But we don’t have to figure it out on our own. We can pray and ask God to lead us to the truth. I think he may or may not send signs, but even if he doesn’t, we can still trust him to guide us if we continue to pray with faith and a willingness to accept whatever truths he reveals. I think he is able to guide us even without signs.

I actually used to be a Protestant and converted to Catholicism. When I became Christian, I didn’t have any particular attachment to any denomination, and I didn’t think it made sense to stick with the first one I went to just because it was the first. So I figured I would eventually do some research and choose the one that seemed right. At some point I became curious about Catholicism and felt drawn to it, so I started looking into it, what the teachings were, whether they were true, etc. When I did this, I found something I hadn’t expected to find. I found out that the Catholic Church is actually the church founded by Jesus Christ, and it’s right in the scriptures (Matthew 16:17-19). Jesus gave the apostle Peter a special authority and said that he would build his church on him. Peter was actually the first pope of the Catholic Church, and every pope since then has been his successor. Anyways, check it out. There are lots of resources if you want to learn more.

Keep seeking and praying. I know it’s hard because there are so many different views out there, it could be so confusing. But don’t give up, have faith and trust in God to lead you where he wants you to go.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has weird and often troubling dreams. Usually, I can trace them back to issues in my life. And that’s probably the case with most of our dreams.

Beyond that, none of us are in a position to assume anything about anyone else’s dreams.

I would suggest talking with your priest about this.
@Megwalters2288, you have a very vivid recollection of your dreams. I wish I could remember my dreams as vividly and in such detail as you remember yours!
I thank you guys for answering back to me. I am just going through a spiritual battle right now that was taking a toll on me and needed fellow people of faith to help guide me. If you haven’t been in a spiritual struggle to where you cant even bring yourself to pray, believe me, count yourself blessed. I know we are always suppose to give it to God but, in our moments of weakness some of us really need strong people of faith to help be our light back to Him. So thank all of you who were kind enough to be my light in my time of struggle. Blessing to you ❤️
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