I had a dream I was walking in a church past the pews to the back of the church. I was going down the small incline and was stopped at an intersection pretty much. It was an intersection of the hall I was walking and a small room. Standing there was my great aunt, Cioci Helen. She passed away when I was maybe 8-9 years old. We were not close and saw her not so often. But, she was standing in the room with a smile on her face like she was so happy to see me. She was dressed in this church suit with matching hat like she use to wear. I was in shock because in my mind I remembered thinking “she is gone, she’s not suppose to be here”. She began talking to me and we were talking about how nice the church was that we were in. I told her I started going to a seventh day adventist church and dont go to a Catholic Church any more. She gave a chuckle and said “oh yes, I remember them. I was always told to stay away from them”. Than she pointed towards the back of me and said “look”. When I turned around there was an opened metal safe. When I looked in there was a manela envelope with a bunch of papers and clippings sticking out but I didnt read them because I remember thinking that I didnt know who they belonged to and I didnt have permission to read them. When I turned around she was walking down the hallway out of the church. I put the envelope back in the safe and followed her. When I got out of the church it was a beautiful day with a blue sky and infront of me was this great hill with steps carved into it. All the sudden my brother in law was next to me and I tried telling him that I just saw my dead aunt and talked to her. I looked infront of me back at the hill in the distance and I saw my Aunt walking almost near the top with 2 other ladies following behind her wearing similar clothes but different colors. When all of them had reached the top they opened umbrellas up like in Mary Poppins and were carried up into the sky. I heard my brother in law next to me say “I cant believe it. Its happening” and his mouth just hung opened. I closed my eyes and felt him take hold of my left hand and someone was on my right and took my hand. I remember wondering who was holding my right hand because I dont remember anyone standing next to me. Than I had the sensation of being lifted up into the air and thinking I cant believe this is happening. All the sudden it came into my mind that I wasnt going up, that I was going down. And all the sudden my hands left theirs and I had the sensation of falling. I feel into water and there was no sky, everything was just a misty gray. But, there were bodies all over the water and these things swimming around that looked like people but they were swimming like eels and had teeth like sharks and were chomping as they swam through the water. I remember looking all around and thinking that I am never getting out of here, that I was stuck and doomed here forever. It has been weighing on my mind so much because I dont know if it is just my subconscious worries or something bigger of either good or evil intent, any thoughts?