The question remains as to what the Church will do about such sacrileges. It has been almost 30 years now since they instituted communion in the hand and nothing has been done yet. In fact they are encouraging it even more now than in 1977. In 1993 the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions put out a pamphlet on Communion in the Hand called “Take and Eat” which quotes the Holy Father as saying that he hopes the practice of communion in the hand “will strengthen the faith and increase the sense of dignity in the faithful.“ The pamphlet even goes as far as teaching you, what they feel is the proper way to receive communion in this manner. Why would they want to see sacrileges continue if they truly loved and respected Our Lord?
In his 1549 Communion Service, Cranmer allowed the Sacrament to be placed on the tongue of the communicant by the minister. This was severely criticized by Martin Bucer, who demanded that Communion should be given in the hand. Cranmer complied and changed the rubric for his 1552 Prayer Book, to bring it into line with Protestant practice on the Continent. The reasons Bucer gives for insisting on this change are quite clear:
"I cannot see how the seventh section requiring the bread of the Lord to be put not in the hand, but in the mouth, of the recipient, can be consistent. Certainly the reason given in this section, namely, lest those who receive the bread of the Lord should not eat it but take it away with them to misuse it for superstition or horrible wickedness, is not, it seems to me, conclusive; for the minister can easily see, when he puts the bread in the hand, whether it is eaten or not. In fact, I have no doubt that this usage of not putting these sacraments in the hands of the faithful has been introduced out of a double superstition; firstly, the false honor they wished to show to this sacrament, and secondly the wicked arrogance of priests claiming greater holiness than that of the people of Christ, by virtue of the oil of consecration. The Lord undoubtedly gave these, His sacred symbols, into the hands of the Apostles, and no one who has read the records of the ancients can be in doubt that this was the usage observed in the churches until the advent of the Roman Antichrist.
"As, therefore, every superstition of the Roman Anti Christ is to be detested, and the simplicity of Christ, and the Apostles, and the ancient Churches, is to be recalled, I should wish that pastors and teachers of the people should be commanded that each is faithfully to teach the people that it is superstitious and wicked to think that the hands of those who truly believe in Christ are less pure than their mouths; or that the hands of the ministers are holier than the hands of the laity; so that it would be wicked, or less fitting, as was formerly wrongly believed by the ordinary folk, for the laity to receive these sacraments in the hand: and therefore that the indications of this wicked belief be removed-----as that the ministers may handle the sacraments, but not allow the laity to do so, and instead put the sacraments into the mouth-----which is not only foreign to what was instituted by the Lord but offensive to human reason.
“In that way good men will be easily brought to the point of all receiving the sacred symbols in the hand, conformity in receiving will be kept, and there will be safeguards against all furtive abuse of the sacraments. For, although for a time concession can be made to those whose faith is weak, by giving them the Sacraments in the mouth when they so desire, if they are carefully taught they will soon conform themselves to the rest of the Church and take the Sacraments in the hand.”
As one can see from this statement by one of the foremost protestant reformers at the time, that the reason behind communion in the hand was to elevate the faithful to the dignity of the priest, just as they claimed in the pamphlet “Take and Eat” It also was to destroy in the minds of the people that Christ was indeed present, whole and entire in each and every particle of the bread, claiming that it was false honor being shown to the Consecrated Host.
to be cont…