Greeting. I’m Terry, a 23-yr-o boy from Hong Kong, a coastal city of China.
My grandma believe in catholic, but I’m doubt about it. I dun’t mean to offend any of you or the religion, but there are a few questions I would like to bring forward.
Welcome to Catholic Answers Forum; it’s a pleasure to meet you. I will try to answer your questions as best as I can. If I am a little wrong, perhaps some other Catholics wouldn’t mind contributing, too.
- If god is everywhere around us, why there’re so many conflicts and unrests all over? why ppl keep on living in war & proverty?
Remember, we are no longer in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, all of mankind fell. Not only did we take sin upon us, but also, we took all kinds of discomforts, hardships and disease, as well. When Jesus came upon the Earth, was crucified and died, He did so to remove the stain of Original Sin, the sin that we received from Adam and Eve. So now, by remaining true to Him, confessing our sins and receiving absolution for them, we can be pure enough to enter Heaven upon our deaths.
All of the things you mentioned are the things people do to people and we do to ourselves and others. If you keep your eyes open, you will notice that truly Catholic (Christian) people do not do those thing to others - except and unless it is absolutely necessary, as in self-defense. The people that perpetuate war and conflicts, poverty and pain, are not Catholic or, Christian. No matter what they claim, they are materialists and relativists; period.
- If there are after-life and souls exist, how does the world go from a single cell organism into 6 billion population now?
God does not keep a population of souls around to let loose every so often. He created the universe, made it friendly to life, created a planet that could sustain all of the life He creates, and placed men and women at the pinnacle of life on this planet. We believe that we receive ours souls the moment that God causes Form to unite with Primary Matter. Primary Matter is the metaphysical stuff that Form distinguishes and is hungry for. Everything consists of en-formed Primary (or, Secondary) Matter. Some beings are superior, because of their Forms than others. The supply of Primary Matter is essentially endless. There is no supply of Forms as God creates each one separately and individually, to give to Matter. So, the number of souls can be
potentially infinite.
Cells, tissues, organs, and living creatures are the earthly matter and mechanisms that the metaphysical stuff seems to make use of in the physical realm. The number of souls is not dependent upon only one or, the first, cell, if in fact, abiogenesis is how life started on this planet. Consider the nearly infinitesimal numbers of protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, and leptons in this universe. The number is staggering and yet they are maintained in an equilibrium that is so incredible that it may appear to be illusory to some people.
Take a look at the recent threads by
Neil_Anthony, under the
Philosophy heading. He has made it easy for anyone to understand the relationship between God and the laws of physics we, as men, occasionally stumble upon.
God bless,