A fond goodbye from me xx

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Dear friends

It has been my great privalege and grand experience to have got to know a little about all of you here.

I have learnt much and found many many lovely souls on these forums. Over the past months you have all been my online Catholic family and I love you all.

From this time onwards I will be on my way with a great sadness in my heart.

God Bless you all especially Carole, Jrabs, Jeff, Augustine, DBT, Atenam (sp), Nightrider, BillA, Whitedove and all of you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you all and all of those you love and know

Forever in my heart and prayers

Teresa xxxx
Dear friends

It has been my great privalege and grand experience to have got to know a little about all of you here.

I have learnt much and found many many lovely souls on these forums. Over the past months you have all been my online Catholic family and I love you all.

From this time onwards I will be on my way with a great sadness in my heart.

God Bless you all especially Carole, Jrabs, Jeff, Augustine, DBT, Atenam (sp), Nightrider, BillA, Whitedove and all of you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you all and all of those you love and know

Forever in my heart and prayers

Teresa xxxx
Hi Springbreeze, It saddens me to see you leave this forum,but I do respect your decision. You have left me and i,m sure others with a gentle and fresh spirit. You have left many kind words of encouragement and prayers to many here on this board. I surely will miss you. May the Love and Peace of Jesus Christ follow you wherever you go,and may you continue to witness the Good News with those you meet. God Bless You. 😦
Dear Forum friends,

Our lovely Teresa has had a bit of a bump today and got caught in the thicket. God will not let her leave us that easily! So let us forget it, rejoice in a bright tomorrow, for …

“Lo, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the dove is heard in our land.” (Canticles 2:11-12)

:clapping: :dancing:
Oh dear, what happened??

Did you get caught up in debate with someone that turned sour?

Whatever it was, I enjoyed the few posts of yours that I got to read. Please reconsider and join us again. Really. We can get kind of snarky at times but we’re not all that bad. 😉

May God bless you, Springbreeze, whatever path you choose.

May God:blessyou:

Hello Teresa,I hope you do not leave,and if you do it will be a mere vacation:) We love you and your beautiful posts.God Bless you and pray for us:)Please if someone got ugly pay it no mind,it seems that as humans we can say things we do not mean.We will pray for you too.I still hope you do not leave.God Bless

Please don’t leave. I enjoy your beautiful posts so much. I’ve gotten my feelings hurt a few times on these forums, but there are many more kind and charitable people here than the other. You probably have not noticed me, but I read your posts when I get a chance and have been very inspired by them.

God Bless
Dear friends

It has been my great privalege and grand experience to have got to know a little about all of you here.

I have learnt much and found many many lovely souls on these forums. Over the past months you have all been my online Catholic family and I love you all.

From this time onwards I will be on my way with a great sadness in my heart.

God Bless you all especially Carole, Jrabs, Jeff, Augustine, DBT, Atenam (sp), Nightrider, BillA, Whitedove and all of you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you all and all of those you love and know

Forever in my heart and prayers

Teresa xxxx
Hello Teresa, can I tell you a seceret ? it’s because you feel so sad that you decided to leave us, is that true or is it not ?

I’ve already sent two requests for resigning, but as of this moment, it’s fallen on deaf ears. I’m not sad at JP’s departing, just like the departing of Jesus, I mean, would we not wish him to go to Heaven ?

Anyway Teresa, watch this space, if they think JP was something to beware of, just wait untill they see his sucessor, then they’lll wish they had him back.
My very dearest friends

Today someone taught me a very great and profound lesson that has served me very well although my initial reaction has left me with this embarassing thread about me leaving the forum.

The lesson is that I am very proud and overly sensitive. If I was not proud my feelings would be of no consequence and I would have been able to see beyond my feelings being hurt.

I am surprised and very touched at all the kind words from you who have posted, I really and truly didn’t expect that and I am humbled by it .

So forgive my pride please and now I am sincerely going to work on my pride and truly attempt to die to self. I will take a little ‘holiday’ and come back hopefully slightly better!

I don’t think I can alter being very sensitive, it is my nature, but I will have a go, the first battle is against the pride.

What a very sad time for all people of the faith, what dark days we are passing through.

What a wonderful thing our faith is, what a wonderful thing our church is, what a wonderful thing this forum is.

I thank you all, each lovely soul.

‘War is never an inevitable. It is always defeat for mankind’ Pope John Paul II


God Bless you and much love and peace to you dear friends, always

Aww, Teresa, you don’t know me, but I’ve read many of your posts and I must tell you that I am very sorry to hear that you are leaving.
Hi, springbreeze,

My dear fellow-poster, feelings are always of
consequence. Emotions are given to us by
God. The word “emotion” [aka “feelings”]
literally means “to get us into motion.”

What kind of motion? If it’s anger, anger is
an emotional response to injury [real or
perceived.] The ‘motion’ is either to consider
what another has said, to see if it’s accurate,
and then either to change, if it’s true, or to
present a defense, or to get in motion and say
a prayer for that person.

Just my two cents.

Be well, springbreeze, and may God be with you.

Dear Springbreeze,

I’m sorry to see you go; even for a little while, as you contibute a great deal to the forum.
I hope you are able to achieve your objective (defeating your pride), but even if you don’t, you at least acknowledge you suffer from it and are attempting to do something about it; many of us forget we can be prideful, or refuse to accept such a notion.
I look forward to seeing you back here in the not to distant future (I hope) My prayers and best wishes go with you.

Peace and love to you and your loved ones. 🙂
Noooo, I will miss you so much, please don’t go before you let me thank you for all you have given me and everyone else. We are praying for you.
Dear friend

Right! No defeat, no walking off, no silliness, no pride!!!, no despair, no sadness, no vacation, no worries!🙂

Thank you all for being so very kind to me and thank you for your prayers…they were all answered.

Domine Jesu Christe!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you dear friends


Why are you leaving?(I hope it wasnt because of me or anyone here) I bet whatever is bothering you will pass. We love your posts, and if you werent in the UK we would storm your house tonight.
There have been other people on these threads who said that they were going to leave the CC, but they braved the waters and were fine.
If you tell us we can help, this is not uncommon on these threads. We all know that this is a hard time for all of us in the world, but that is no reason to abandon your faith.
I love you, dear Teresa. I am sensitive, too, and I know how much it can hurt to be so! I’ve noticed this about myself so much lately, it’s been coming up so much for me, especially today, and I realize that it’s just how I am. Most of those who love me love my extreme sensitivity but it is a cross to bear, I swear! But I am so glad to read your last post on here, that you are not leaving us, and I am so glad you are not going, because you are a wonderful heart, my friend! Much love and many blessings,

Catholic Dude:

Why are you leaving?(I hope it wasnt because of me or anyone here) I bet whatever is bothering you will pass. We love your posts, and if you werent in the UK we would storm your house tonight.
There have been other people on these threads who said that they were going to leave the CC, but they braved the waters and were fine.
If you tell us we can help, this is not uncommon on these threads. We all know that this is a hard time for all of us in the world, but that is no reason to abandon your faith.
Dear friend

You are right it has passed and thank you for the very kind words.

Abandon my faith? NEVER!! How could anyone do that, who can leave Jesus?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I’m so glad you are not going - don’t even think of it again, promise?:tsktsk: 🙂
You have too much of a contribution to make!
You are always so kind, thoughtful and truly humble, and have so much wisdom to share - even if you can’t see it!

I am not alone in being grateful for your presence here, obviously!

It is so easy for a sensitive soul to get hurt on these forums, but thank God for your sensitivity - it’s far better than being hard and unsympathetic!
It’s also easy for people to say things they don’t really mean, or remarks come out wrong, etc and it’s partly because of the mode of communication we are using.
Hang in there, dear friend!
Hi Teresa -

Boy, I miss a day or two around here and so much happens!

Teresa, you are a true gift to these forums and you bring a “light” to so many topics that it’s hard to imagine you not being here. I’ve often thought of you as the “heart” of this forum . . . someone who undertands Love to a degree most of us could never begin to contemplate. You are a true Carmelite!

I too understand the need to take periodic “holidays” from these forums . . . and I trust, based on my own experience, you will come back completely refreshed and with your batteries recharged.

Your friend . . .
Dear Teresa,

Holidays are always a good thing. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Pride is a nasty demon to rid yourself of. He has a good hold on me. Just remember that we are saints in the making and that there is some sin that we can get rid of ourselves but God must get rid of other ones that have thick and long roots. Perservere my dear friend, as I know you will, God can conquer all!

Your friend in Christ,
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