Hello, I am a longtime browser of these forums but new member. I have a question about missing out on one’s calling. I have long been interested in monasticism (ten plus years). I only converted to Catholicism last year. I corresponded with a few communities and visited one for a week. I have been told my student debt is far too high and I would need to wait a couple of years after entering the church as well. The problem is that I am still in school persuing an advanced degree (M.A. following into doctoral program) and falling farther into debt (insanely, off the scale far). If I were working I would simply bide my time and try to pay things off. on the other hand I have never had any career goals outside of vague ones within the world of academia. I have a bachelor’s degree in a bizarrely narrow and impractical liberal arts subject and no work experience. I have also lead a very transient lifestyle and do not really know anyone anywhere and have zero references. I am rapidly aproaching the age limit for many communities and I am starting to wonder if I simply missed my chance or monastic calling. I know nobody can give a hard and fast answer, but I wonder if any orders either monastic or mendicant would take somebody even with debt if they had a degree which could be useful? I am studying theology at a Catholic university. Right now my other option is to drop out of school, get a menial job and work untill I was older than the entry requirements to pay off the debt. or should I just see these obstacles as God’s will and way of telling me that I am not called after all? what say you?