So I wish to know if I understand the situation correctly and fully. Please assist:
Immediately, homosexuality as in the sin refers to homosexual sex. This is not the orientation, the love, or the relationships, but primarily the sex. Views on the orientation/love/relationships vary between people but are not doctrinal.
The issue of the sex itself is an issue of taking sex out of its purposes, which would be both the procreative and uniting in nature. Acceptance of such an thing is akin to the welcoming of sex via contraceptive, masturbation, and the like. However, teleologically the possibility of being barren or sterile does not take away ones ability to have sex according to their nature as the messing up of organs is not a fault of their will. All parts with real agency act correctly and so no moral bad could be said of those involved given all else is normal.
In terms of marriage, marriage is the union of differing complementary sexes as one. The intent is to join both people together and give them the right for each other in sex for the intent of both uniting and procreation. This, again, does not mean that the sterile/barren are left out in the cold again because their state is not part of their moral agency. However, impotence can be an issue towards not being married as they cannot fulfill the sexual end.
As an aside I’m a bit stuck on this issue as it seems plenty confusing to me. Infertility is not an issue in marriage because it is not the moral agent’s fault for causing the issue at hand and being able to complete one of the purposes of the marriage however impotency is an issue despite also not being in control of the situation either. It seems contradictory to me to be okay with one group not being able to complete purposes related to marriage and not group with another not being able to complete another. Could someone assist me here in understanding?
To continue on marriage, the current teaching (though I am not sure if it is doctrinal or just very strong opinion - please clarify) is that marriage’s union of man and woman makes for the ideal situation for raising children, resting on the notion of an innate fatherhood and motherhood which work in union to fully socialize a child properly. It is for this reason that, while possible, any other set up for raising children is seen as incomplete and thus not acceptable for the sake of the children being raised. However if the children are in a worse case overall is it still seen as acceptable for these incomplete family arrangements to care for the child as it is still preferable to their previous state.
I have another issue now: Does not the potential for these arrangements to assist those children lacking in socialization validate things such as gay marriage? Granted these incomplete unions can still be seen as not ideal (similar to that of a single mother with kids being not ideal) but if it is indeed preferable for the child to be raised in this manner than what they once were then we do have a set of people raising a child which constitutes family in all degrees but the procreative section of it and potentially the union of “parents” not having sex. Adoption itself seems to put a hole in this situation since raising children in any set up can constitute a “family” and then we need to either separate marriage from family as a whole or all possible set up need to seen as possible for marriage though one set up being ideal.
Further, if we understand fatherhood and motherhood as proper for socialization, what argument is there for “one father and one mother” rather than two of each in a four person union? Surely the sexual end is the core issue here but I’m not sure how it draws distinction.
Thanks for reading and I’m hoping for some solid replies.
Immediately, homosexuality as in the sin refers to homosexual sex. This is not the orientation, the love, or the relationships, but primarily the sex. Views on the orientation/love/relationships vary between people but are not doctrinal.
The issue of the sex itself is an issue of taking sex out of its purposes, which would be both the procreative and uniting in nature. Acceptance of such an thing is akin to the welcoming of sex via contraceptive, masturbation, and the like. However, teleologically the possibility of being barren or sterile does not take away ones ability to have sex according to their nature as the messing up of organs is not a fault of their will. All parts with real agency act correctly and so no moral bad could be said of those involved given all else is normal.
In terms of marriage, marriage is the union of differing complementary sexes as one. The intent is to join both people together and give them the right for each other in sex for the intent of both uniting and procreation. This, again, does not mean that the sterile/barren are left out in the cold again because their state is not part of their moral agency. However, impotence can be an issue towards not being married as they cannot fulfill the sexual end.
As an aside I’m a bit stuck on this issue as it seems plenty confusing to me. Infertility is not an issue in marriage because it is not the moral agent’s fault for causing the issue at hand and being able to complete one of the purposes of the marriage however impotency is an issue despite also not being in control of the situation either. It seems contradictory to me to be okay with one group not being able to complete purposes related to marriage and not group with another not being able to complete another. Could someone assist me here in understanding?
To continue on marriage, the current teaching (though I am not sure if it is doctrinal or just very strong opinion - please clarify) is that marriage’s union of man and woman makes for the ideal situation for raising children, resting on the notion of an innate fatherhood and motherhood which work in union to fully socialize a child properly. It is for this reason that, while possible, any other set up for raising children is seen as incomplete and thus not acceptable for the sake of the children being raised. However if the children are in a worse case overall is it still seen as acceptable for these incomplete family arrangements to care for the child as it is still preferable to their previous state.
I have another issue now: Does not the potential for these arrangements to assist those children lacking in socialization validate things such as gay marriage? Granted these incomplete unions can still be seen as not ideal (similar to that of a single mother with kids being not ideal) but if it is indeed preferable for the child to be raised in this manner than what they once were then we do have a set of people raising a child which constitutes family in all degrees but the procreative section of it and potentially the union of “parents” not having sex. Adoption itself seems to put a hole in this situation since raising children in any set up can constitute a “family” and then we need to either separate marriage from family as a whole or all possible set up need to seen as possible for marriage though one set up being ideal.
Further, if we understand fatherhood and motherhood as proper for socialization, what argument is there for “one father and one mother” rather than two of each in a four person union? Surely the sexual end is the core issue here but I’m not sure how it draws distinction.
Thanks for reading and I’m hoping for some solid replies.