However it is the
physical world which is secondary to our personal experience, a consensus of stable subjective representations we assemble into our
real world view. It thus remains unclear whether a physical universe without conscious observers could exist in any more than a
purely conceptual or theoretical sense. Subjective consciousness may be necessary for the actualization of physical reality, and thus
fundamental to physical existence in a cosmological sense, as expressed in the ‘anthropic cosmological principle’ that ‘observers’
are significant and possibly necessary boundary conditions for the existence of the universe (Barrow and Tipler 1988).
A lot of bull. The real world existed before man came along. So much for " Barrow and Tipler. " Just two more idealist idiots. If you want to know how the soul interacts with the brain I’m afraid you will have to wait and ask God.
Bahman, you keep harping on this subject but it just isn’t interesting for us because we all know we have a spiritual soul through which we learn what the world is. And we don’t have to prove it to your or anyone else’s satisfaction.