A great confusion

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The eastern orthodox are saying that the ronan Catholic Church separated herself from orthodoxy and became a separate church. While we appreciate their role in the catholic church, they often condemn us. They also justify their position by various proofs. Have any Catholic saints spoken about Eastern orthodoxy? I mean have jesus or Mary spoken about the orthodox Christians during any apparations?
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Have any Catholic saints spoken about Eastern orthodoxy? I mean have jesus or Mary spoken about the orthodox Christians during any apparations?
Saints aren’t infallible, and even approved private revelations don’t need to be believed by Catholics.
Therefore it’s a bad idea to use these as “proofs” because they are weak.
You should only use Scripture and tradition as interpreted by the Church.
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While we appreciate their role in the catholic church, they often condemn us.
Their role IN the Catholic Church? Whole point of Orthodoxy is that they aren’t IN the Catholic Church.
I mean have jesus or Mary spoken about the orthodox Christians during any apparations?
As said above, don’t use it as a way to attack Orthodox Christians. Church has deep respect for them (while we also reject some of their approaches, sure). Our Lady of Fatima said that Russia needs to be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart- but that most likely denounced Communism.

There are surely Saints who speak against Schism and who defend Papacy. That is actually only real difference between Orthodoxy and us and hence if you want to prove to yourself that Orthodoxy isn’t correct then prove to yourself that Papacy is. If you want to speak against Eastern Rite then evaluate your position because Eastern Catholics are inside the Church and they are in communion with the Pope. So speaking against Eastern practices is not a good idea.

For such things as denial of Filioque (prevalent but certainly not universal in Orthodoxy) you can read Church Fathers who affirm “through the Son” theology. Patriarch John XI of Constantinople (John Beccus) was Orthodox Patriarch who united with Catholic Church and wrote books about this topic. You can find many similar books about East vs West and understandings but ultimately if you ask for some apparition that is often not what apparitions are there for…
Oh I am sorry, if I said something wrong. I am still 15 and I don’t have much theological knowledge. So I was just curious abt these things. Can I known about patriach John XI of constantinoble
Oh I am sorry, if I said something wrong.
No need to apologize! We all learn 😃 constantly. I just wanted to clarify that.
Can I known about patriach John XI of constantinoble
Sure! Sadly not too much is known in the present but he was Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople who wanted to unite his Church with Catholic Church of Rome. He was at first very much against Filioque (that Holy Spirit comes from the Father through the Son, it is in Credo in Latin) but later found out that Church Fathers actually support it and renounced his positions and actually became defender of “union” (attempt to heal Schism between Catholic and Orthodox Churches). He later wrote many theological books defending Latin Catholic practices.

He was later imprisoned when Emperor disbanded union between Churches but even in prison he kept writing works supporting Catholic Church and Latin practices (he wasn’t necessarily going to enforce them on Greek Church but wanted to show they are legitimate and that they aren’t heretical). It was however intellectual defense- not based upon miracles or anything like that.

There is link about him but you can also find info on wikipedia (search for John XI of Constantinople) :

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