A heavy heart

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I really am having a hard time right now with the disapproval of my family. My mom and my siblings are very against me being Catholic. My dad is happy that I want to be a christian again, and he himself might convert one day, God willing. Sadly, every time I mention anything catholic and do anything like go to my RCIA classes, I got these hurt and angry looks, harsh words, or the constant criticism. For example, my Dad is protestant, yet he is catholic in some of his ways. He is very happy when I talk to him about Catholic things, or give him anything Catholic, like a small pamplet. Awhile back, he started asking St. Jude for his protection. He bought a candle that has St. Jude on it, and keeps it on the kitchen table. Well, my sister saw it today, and saw that it had a prayer to St. Jude on it. Her reaction follows: " It has a prayer on it! Your not supposed to pray to dead people!" I tried to defend the saints by saying " Your asking them to ask Jesus to help you". She rolled her eyes and kept saying negative things. I didn’t know what to do, since I feel intimidated by her. She may be younger than me, but she has a sharp and quick tounge, and often embaresses me. So, I left the room.

What do I do? I am trying to defend my faith, but it hurts that my family is so angry with me for choosing my faith in the first place. Plus, any suggestions on defending the faith would help. I feel very stupid at times.
I think just about every convert goes through what you are going through. I am about a week away from starting RCIA and do not look forward to losing many friends, but if the Lord bids you to come home how can you say no?

Just continue to arm youself with the right answers and most importantly, PRAY! I will pray for your situation.

I think you might find the good folks at the website below a great help in dealing with your loved ones. The site was precisely formed to support converts who face such opposition and ill-will towards the Church as you are experiencing:

Heroic Love is sacrificial. Offer your anxieties and fears to Christ in the Eucharist. May God grant you and your family the gift of faith and joy. Remember that people usually do not like what they do not know. That’s all. When you have the opportunity to share the beauty, goodness and truth of the CC, go ahead and do it with all the love in your heart. For the most part it is silence, but when you do speak, just speak the truth with love.

Truth resonnates the chords in the heart, so as Fr. Corapi says, keep telling them the truth, one day it will sink in.

God Bless.

in XT.
What do I do? I am trying to defend my faith, but it hurts that my family is so angry with me for choosing my faith in the first place. Plus, any suggestions on defending the faith would help. I feel very stupid at times.
In the “Library” section of this website catholic.com are tracts that can help you defend your faith on many topics. If you get into a discussion, try to stick to one topic, even if they try to change the subject

One thing I wonder about, though, is that you are dealing with your immediate family. It can be very difficult to keep close relatives calm enough to have a civil discussion. .

So, you may just want to respectfully tell them that this is your decision and please let you pursue it in peace.
Dear LydiaW,

Please be assured that you and your family are in my prayers. You are already defending the Faith in the noble way in which you are showing your love for God and at the same time continuing to love your family. 🙂

~~ the phoenix
Defending my faith is hard, but I feel so much happier converting to Catholicism than I felt before. I just wish that there is something I could say to my family that would make them leave me alone. I have tried reasoning with them, and talking as calmly as possible, but they always ask me questions or yell at me, and put me on the spot.

Thank you for the encouragement and prayers, I appreciate it.
Defending my faith is hard, but I feel so much happier converting to Catholicism than I felt before. I just wish that there is something I could say to my family that would make them leave me alone. I have tried reasoning with them, and talking as calmly as possible, but they always ask me questions or yell at me, and put me on the spot.

Thank you for the encouragement and prayers, I appreciate it.
As others have said, what you are going through is pretty typical for converts, although some of us didn’t suffer what you are suffering. My family could have cared less except that they didn’t want me to proselytize them, which I had no intention of doing, anyway.

Jesus told us that a man’s enemies would be the members of his own household. This happens, believe it or not, even in Catholic families when one person sees what others don’t or is in a different place spiritually than everyone else. This happen to Sr. Lucia of the Fatima apparitions. Her family simply could not believe her and blamed her for all the problems caused by people invading their lives because of her visions. They eventually came around when it became apparent that the hand of God was in her life.

Hang in there and pray hard for your family. Realize that what they are saying comes from fear and ignorance. Fear feeds ignorance and ignorance perpetuates fear. Be patient with them and the next time they ask questions with the attitude that they aren’t going to listen to you anyway, simply tell them you don’t want to talk about it and walk away. Go to a quiet place and pray for them instead of rising to their bait. You won’t get upset and they will begin to realize that they are persecuting you. I will remember you, your father and family and your situation in my prayers. And know that whatever you are suffering you can offer to Jesus as a part of his suffering for the redemption of the human race, and for your family in particular.
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