A lesson learned

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Boy, God has a real way of showing you your faults sometimes. Let me share this and I hope it helps someone else as it did me.

For the last few weeks I noticed an unfamiliar face at weekday Mass. A young man, probably in his early 20’s. By far, the youngest person in attendance. At first I thought, wow isn’t that nice, so young and attending Mass daily. I thought, I wish I had his devotion when I was that age.

Then I noticed something. Once Mass started he would be doing something on his Palm Pilot (I’ll assume you all know what they are). I really began to get irritated about this. Why take the trouble to come to Mass and spend it fooling around with some electronic toy?

This went on for a couple of weeks and everytime I saw him with this device it would cause me an irritated thought. Yes, very uncharitable on my part. Well today was different. I ended up sitting directly behind this young man as I made room for a couple of folks in my aisle.

Now here is where God really kicks me in the behind and teaches me a lesson.

Peering over this young mans shoulder, I come to realize he has downloaded the daily reading and Gospel on his Palm Pilot and was following along.

Things are not always what they seem.
God does the same thing to me all the time !! It’s humbling isn’t it? I’m not nearly as smart as I think I am…

You should talk to him and make him feel welcome.
Until I started meeting a few people at daily Mass, being half the average age was very lonely.
People finally took interest when I started bringing my nieces. I think everyone assumed they were mine, even though I’m only 12 years older than the oldest.
was pleased a few years ago to see a nice-looking young man begin attending daily mass at former parish, very devout, stayed for rosary afterward, wondered if perhaps he was discerning a vocation, well, he was, but not that one, showed up about 6 months later with a lovely young woman. Went back to that church a couple of weeks ago and saw the same couple, with a baby and a toddler. yeah, God.
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