A list of things that I would change

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There are quite a few things that I would like God to help me change about myself. I think posting a list will make me “commit” to changing them.
  1. Swearing…I swear like it’s going out of style and then some…
  2. Judging other people…i usually jump to conclusions
  3. Gossip…especially at work
  4. My fear of entering a church…i know its irrational but i can’t shake it
  5. Being mean to others…I’m really blunt and usually hurt people with my words without realizing it
  6. Drugs and Ciggarettes…caved on both recently…
  7. Stress…instead of turning to the Lord like I should, I freak out about everything.
  8. My fear of being judged for being catholic by my husbands family and my own as well as my husband…sometimes I feel ashamed that my thoughts are turning into some that are so different than “everyone” else’s when they used to be the same…
I think that is all so far.

Please feel free to post your own list or even suggestions to help on the path!!!

I reccomend frequent confession (make sure you confess what you are struggling with!) and (if possible) daily communion. Also please pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (during the 3 o’clock hour if possible):

My fear of being judged for being catholic by my husbands family and my own as well as my husband…sometimes I feel ashamed that my thoughts are turning into some that are so different than “everyone” else’s when they used to be the same…
Please read Matthew 5: 11-12:
There are quite a few things that I would like God to help me change about myself. I think posting a list will make me “commit” to changing them.
You could come back and look at this list in a year’s time. When I have done that with similar lists, it has been helpful. I have changed over time in some ways.
You have a lot of insight! I have advanced to whispering my swearing like a psychotic, but at least people don’t hear me!
  1. Swearing…I swear like it’s going out of style and then some…
Interesting story: I swore like a sailor. One day, a group of co-workers were standing around talking after our shift. This one lady was cursing up a storm. Every other word was F this F-in that. This guy says to her in all seriousness, “Hey, watch your mouth. There is a lady present.” as he points at me. I was so taken aback. I realized then and there how ugly the woman was for swearing so much.

It was pretty easy to not curse out loud, but it took a loooong time to completely get rid of the cursing thoughts. I honestly went years thinking, “Gosh!” and “Darn!” and “Sugar!” Then one 1 week visit by a regular curser and I am back at it. I catch myself half way through a word. I decided just today (coincidentally) to spend time reflecting on the image I am putting out to other people and what I am allowing my thoughts and words to do to their spirituality, as well as my own. My biggest problem is that I do it without thinking. If I think about it, I can’t help but see myself as the woman getting chastised for being so rude while a lady is present… Not a position I ever want to find myself in.

So I suggest figuring out why it is you do these things and what it is that will help you see the habit in a new light. Realize it is not a part of you. It isn’t anything you need to have an affinity for. See it for what it is: ugliness. Your thoughts will probably follow well after your actions, but you have to get the actions going for your brain to follow suit.
Then one 1 week visit by a regular curser and I am back at it.
That’s the real rub!

Also, I grew up often sitting on car hoods, watching people tinker on cars. This involved much, uh, colorful language. To this day, if I am doing anything with a tool in my hands, then the language is a problem instantly. I transform back to that old image. If I carried a hammer every day, I might defeat it, but I don’t. I rarely have a hammer in my hands, so I have little chance to eradicate the problem.

I resolve not to swear when I pick up a tool, but as soon as I get to concentrating on the task at hand, presto bingo, I’m doing it. :mad:
I resolve not to swear when I pick up a tool, but as soon as I get to concentrating on the task at hand, presto bingo, I’m doing it.
Don’t be afraid to confess this or other habirtual sins in confession. Confess whatever you are struggling with so that you receive the grace that will allow you to eventually stop your sinful behavior.
Don’t be afraid to confess this or other habirtual sins in confession. Confess whatever you are struggling with so that you receive the grace that will allow you to eventually stop your sinful behavior.
I agree with this approach. Thanks for the reminder about this particular sin.:whistle:
If there’s one thing I’d like to get rid of is my attraction to sin. I just can’t help it. Even though I know what’s right and have the human means to avoid sin, I embrace it eagerly.

Lord, have mercy on me and bring me into Your light.

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