A little delimma

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One of the first things anyone would notice when they stepped onto the UW-Masion, or any other campus for that matter, is the amount of posters and fliers tapped or tacked on every vertical surface imaginable.

I’m a fan of free speech and everything, but I find myself wanting to rip down every “10% Society” and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) flier I see. Especially the ones featuring a great big picture of a homosexual kiss with it’s meassage sprawled around the edges as to not obscure the photo.

Would it be wrong to? To do so probly wouldnt be breaking any laws, since anyone can post in these areas. But I mostly fear that I would be breaking a Madison unspoken rule about allowing every poster/flier and thus open any “good” fliers to the same treatment.
Put up your own flier that says “The Catholic Church Rocks!!!”
I used to live in Madison. Much more pleasant place to live than NYC, where I am now. 👍

In Manhattan there are silly people who distribute a flyer that advocates a constitutional amendment for guaranteed housing. (Obviously they don’t understand federalism.) They stick them inside newspaper racks that don’t belong to them. I don’t hesitate. I remove those flyers, rip them up, and throw them out.
In Manhattan there are silly people who distribute a flyer that advocates a constitutional amendment for guaranteed housing. (Obviously they don’t understand federalism.)
The right to obtain housing is a fundamental human right.
That would depend on how it’s obtained, wouldn’t it?
um, no?

Back on topic, I’m in favor martino’s suggestion. Fight flyers with flyers. Only I would go for something a little more hard hitting, like “God loves you and will forgive your sins if you repent!”

Ty for the idea. I think I will…Could anyone please locate the passages in (Leviticus???) about homosexual acts for me plz? I only have a copy of the New Testament with me here at school.

My ideas for posters so far:

“Jesus wants YOU to love your neighbor”
" ‘Thou shalt not’ is not up for intepretation"
“Homosexuality may not be a choice and being attracted to the same sex is not a sin. Homosexual acts are”
“God loves Everyone.”

I suppose I can mount little guerilla operations from time to time late at night/early in morning to avoid confrontation.

Oh, yeah, I HAVE to tell you all about how mad I got today at ASM (Associated Students of Madison). Today in the Badger Herold, there was an advertisement for a summer program to combat HIV/AIDS by making “safe sex kits” and “clean exchange needles”. At the bottom there was the caption “Funded in part by ASM” and something to the effect of ASM doesnt necessarily support the views and opinions of blah blah blah. AAAARRRGGHHHHH! Part of the money **I **pay in tuition goes to fund ASM and they have the nerve to suggest they arent really supporting this, but just funding it. Usually, I’m all for ASM, they help get the attention of lawmakers for us students and are a big part of trying to police UW-Madison’s underage drinking problem.
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