A little help

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Hi all,

I was baptized church of England. I’m marrying my catholic fiancee in September 2014, in the church she was baptized and confirmed in 200 miles away in Plymouth UK.

After thought and disscussing with my fiancee, I’ve decided I’m going to start doing rcia classes and become a catholic. (this is my own choice). I’m hoping to complete the course before I get married.

We have just moved into my mums for a maximum of a 6 months stay, then we will be moving to the otherside of the city there after. (in Coventry UK).

The questions I’m asking are:
Do I go to the local parish to my mums now, knowing it won’t be my local parish when we move or wait until we move, then contact my new parish, which will be around August time. I know we will need permission from the new parish to get married in Plymouth 6 months before.

When does rcia classes usually start?

Thank you for your time in reading this and replying
God bless
Classes start in the fall (this year, there’s only a few weeks left and the classes end on Easter with the great celebration).

So you have some time to get situated to wherever you’re moving and in your new married life. Right now, i’d go to any parish and ask for some information such as pamphlets or any retreats/spiritual growth classes or activities in the area (letting them know you’re moving).

Since you won’t be starting classes until the fall time…right now is a great time to strengthen your spirituality/prayer life and getting involved in any way you can along with some good catholic book reading on areas you have questions or concerns with the catholic church.

Really take this time to learn about the church you’re going to dedicate yourselves to and getting to know Christ more…which is what RCIA is really all about.
You can start going to mass together and finding good catholic spiritual confrences/prayer sessions/etc etc. You just can’t take communion or go to confession as of yet.

God bless!
Hi all,

I was baptized church of England. I’m marrying my catholic fiancee in September 2014, in the church she was baptized and confirmed in 200 miles away in Plymouth UK.

After thought and disscussing with my fiancee, I’ve decided I’m going to start doing rcia classes and become a catholic. (this is my own choice). I’m hoping to complete the course before I get married.

We have just moved into my mums for a maximum of a 6 months stay, then we will be moving to the otherside of the city there after. (in Coventry UK).

The questions I’m asking are:
Do I go to the local parish to my mums now, knowing it won’t be my local parish when we move or wait until we move, then contact my new parish, which will be around August time. I know we will need permission from the new parish to get married in Plymouth 6 months before.

When does rcia classes usually start?

Thank you for your time in reading this and replying
God bless
I’m not sure what is the norm in the UK, but many parishes here in the U.S. start their RCIA programs in September and run till Easter (although there is a slow push to go to a year round system). Check with your mom’s parish and see when their RCIA program starts, if it is in Sept. then that will answer your question. If it is year round, and you are a baptized member of the Church of England, you might be able to complete RCIA in time. Check with your mom’s parish.
Hi all,

I was baptized church of England. I’m marrying my catholic fiancee in September 2014, in the church she was baptized and confirmed in 200 miles away in Plymouth UK.

After thought and disscussing with my fiancee, I’ve decided I’m going to start doing rcia classes and become a catholic. (this is my own choice). I’m hoping to complete the course before I get married.

We have just moved into my mums for a maximum of a 6 months stay, then we will be moving to the otherside of the city there after. (in Coventry UK).

The questions I’m asking are:
Do I go to the local parish to my mums now, knowing it won’t be my local parish when we move or wait until we move, then contact my new parish, which will be around August time. I know we will need permission from the new parish to get married in Plymouth 6 months before.

When does rcia classes usually start?

Thank you for your time in reading this and replying
God bless
  • Sometime soon - discuss wedding with parish where you wish to be married and find out schedule of marriage preparation classes
  • July or August 2013 move to other side of city
  • Sept 2013 begin RCIA (If it begins in September in UK, ask at the parish you will attend at that time)
  • Easter Vigil 2014 Confirmation as Catholic
  • Sept 2014 Sacrament of Marriage
Time-wise it works

John Martin
Contact your local parish as soon as possible. There is a descernment period before the Church will witness your marriage. It may be 6 months or longer, so you want to let them know your marriage intentions asap so they count this time towards your “Marriage preparation”. It is usually Ok to start in one parish, and finish in another, as we are all one Church. It will just require some communication between the Priests. Hopefully you can attend RCIA meetings, or a Bible study, or retreats. How fun! Welcome to the faith.👍
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