I want to experience the greatest peace, happiness, and energy possible. The solution to my desire is gracefully found in the Greatest Commandments as stated by Jesus Christ. Please share your critiques to help heighten my understanding of God’s Word and my ability to share God’s Word and ultimately to help me grow closer to God and hopefully, experience the greatest peace, happiness, and energy.
The Greatest Commandments
Mark 12:29-31
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
The Purpose of the Commandments
To provide the fundamental principles of how to achieve the greatest peace, happiness, and energy as an individual and/or society, given interactive free-willed beings.
Purpose of Helping Us
God wants others to share in the experience of the greatest peace, happiness, and energy.
What is Love?
Love is patience and kindness. Therefore, whatever state of being is the pinnacle of patience and kindness is God’s state of being.
Love God, neighbors, and self
God, neighbors, and the self are the recipients of patience and kindness and objects of motivation. Patience, kindness, and motivation are the driving forces of, respectively, peace, happiness, and energy.
Your heart, mind, strength and soul
These aspects of being represent, respectively, parts of the body, various thoughts, various interactions, and the essence of self. Each aspect of being is distinct and separate, yet necessary to complete the being. Every part of the body, instance of thought, and instance of interaction is exactly of the essence of self. Humans share God’s Image and likeness, therefore, The Father is the thoughts, Jesus Christ is the body, The Holy Spirit is the interactions, and God is the essence of the Holy Trinity.
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength
Every thought and interaction of yours and every part of your body and essence should be patient and kind and motivated for God.
Love God with everything, all the time
The only object of motivation that is inexhaustible in and of itself is God. The being that is fully considerate of peace, happiness, and energy for the self, others, and itself is of God. Therefore, if you are always motivated for something inexhaustible, thinking about patience and kindness, and interacting with patience and kindness, your heart will have an inexhaustible driving force for energy, your mind will become fully considerate of peace, happiness, and energy for yourself, others, and God, and your strength will also spread peace, happiness, and energy to others.
Always love God with everything…then, love all others
To love God first, while loving all others, one should be motivated for God while being patient and kind towards others.
Evaluating personal practice of the Commandments
If you are experiencing a loss or yearn for peace, happiness, or energy, within your self or relationships, answer the following: “How, Where, and/or Why am I not being patient, kind, and/or motivated for God?”
Thank you very much for your time and consideration! I look forward to hearing your thoughts. May peace be with you and have a good day!
The Greatest Commandments
Mark 12:29-31
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
The Purpose of the Commandments
To provide the fundamental principles of how to achieve the greatest peace, happiness, and energy as an individual and/or society, given interactive free-willed beings.
Purpose of Helping Us
God wants others to share in the experience of the greatest peace, happiness, and energy.
What is Love?
Love is patience and kindness. Therefore, whatever state of being is the pinnacle of patience and kindness is God’s state of being.
Love God, neighbors, and self
God, neighbors, and the self are the recipients of patience and kindness and objects of motivation. Patience, kindness, and motivation are the driving forces of, respectively, peace, happiness, and energy.
Your heart, mind, strength and soul
These aspects of being represent, respectively, parts of the body, various thoughts, various interactions, and the essence of self. Each aspect of being is distinct and separate, yet necessary to complete the being. Every part of the body, instance of thought, and instance of interaction is exactly of the essence of self. Humans share God’s Image and likeness, therefore, The Father is the thoughts, Jesus Christ is the body, The Holy Spirit is the interactions, and God is the essence of the Holy Trinity.
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength
Every thought and interaction of yours and every part of your body and essence should be patient and kind and motivated for God.
Love God with everything, all the time
The only object of motivation that is inexhaustible in and of itself is God. The being that is fully considerate of peace, happiness, and energy for the self, others, and itself is of God. Therefore, if you are always motivated for something inexhaustible, thinking about patience and kindness, and interacting with patience and kindness, your heart will have an inexhaustible driving force for energy, your mind will become fully considerate of peace, happiness, and energy for yourself, others, and God, and your strength will also spread peace, happiness, and energy to others.
Always love God with everything…then, love all others
To love God first, while loving all others, one should be motivated for God while being patient and kind towards others.
Evaluating personal practice of the Commandments
If you are experiencing a loss or yearn for peace, happiness, or energy, within your self or relationships, answer the following: “How, Where, and/or Why am I not being patient, kind, and/or motivated for God?”
Thank you very much for your time and consideration! I look forward to hearing your thoughts. May peace be with you and have a good day!