What do you do when someone you love,a brother or sister,is living a lifestyle that’s destructive.Is all you can do pray and wait,watching him/her destroy their life?
I am only a few years older than that person,a Catholic.It hurts,because he just got confirmed.He lives with me,and he and I are getting tired of me interfering.After all he is 21.
But it is so hard to keep one’s mouth shut when the person comes home drunk,stays out all night with a certain type of people,and just has all these things going on-and he’s family.I criticize him way to much.
There is no way of talking to him.
How should I pray,how should I react.I admit I am lost too in a way when it comes to my faith life,I have a lot of mistakes,but I always have that goal infront of me,to do right.And I fail over and over again…
I am only a few years older than that person,a Catholic.It hurts,because he just got confirmed.He lives with me,and he and I are getting tired of me interfering.After all he is 21.
But it is so hard to keep one’s mouth shut when the person comes home drunk,stays out all night with a certain type of people,and just has all these things going on-and he’s family.I criticize him way to much.
There is no way of talking to him.
How should I pray,how should I react.I admit I am lost too in a way when it comes to my faith life,I have a lot of mistakes,but I always have that goal infront of me,to do right.And I fail over and over again…