My Dh and I love each other very much, but recently he is unsatisfied, especially when it comes to our “love life”. Since becoming a catholic, I see certain issues in a different light…ie> masturbation, contraception. He looks at pornography, but since I voiced a disagreement with it, he no longer does…accept when he’s really tempted but then he deletes it from his computer and usually tells me that he downloaded it and that he is sorry. I know he masturbates. He recently asked me why I don’t. I told him because my beliefs are that it is wrong. He told me that it is “good for me” that it will help me with my headaches. This may be true, but I don’t do it. I told him that I would rather have that intimacy with him. He stopped pressing the issue. Our only problem is contraception. I stopped taking the pill because I didn’t like it. It made me feel controlled by a routine I hated. DH agreed that I shouldn’t take it if I’m not comfortable but he does not want to have sex with me unless he wears a condom. He wants to hold off on kids until I’m done school ( I wouldn’t mind it either…). I’ve expressed my concerns about this but he won’t move on this matter. I love him and want to share this love, but I can’t help but feel that I’m doing some wrong. He’s recently taken to calling me “frigid” in his sexual frustration. I want this to stop. I’m just wondering if it is truly wrong for me to be intimate with him even though I disagree with what he uses? Is this wrong?