A Miracle in his death, Fr. Mychal saved Firemen

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I am now in RCIA.

When I first saw a large picture of Fr. Mychal being carried by firemen away from the 9/11 disaster, I was firmly convinced that the picture showed a dramatic miracle.

Why it seemed to me to be a miracle:
  • The firemen carrying Fr. Mychal did so out of great respect and love for him. And it also seems to me that almost every recorded miracle involves a great love.
  • In Fr. Mychal’s death, he rescued those same firemen from great danger. They had to carry Fr. Mychal away, and in doing so the firemen themselves were brought away from the danger of death. It is very rare for a dead person to save others from such a danger of death.
It also seemed to me that Fr. Mychal would have been uninterrupted by death in his final act of administering Last Rites to somebody who was dying. Because God would not permit such evil to prevail against a Holy Sacrament.

Even though I was not Catholic at the time, I took the article and picture to a Priest at my local Catholic Church. And tried to convince them that this was a miracle. However, they didn’t have much time to talk about it.

Now, a few years later, I am in RCIA. And perhaps in part because this miracle helped to convince me that Roman Catholics must be with God’s grace for such a great miracle to happen.

Jim welcome home :clapping:

That is beautiful. Do you have a picture?

God :blessyou:

This wasn’t the actual picture I saw in print. But it is similar.
I also read that he was struck by debris while he was giving the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.

I was a non-Catholic back then. But I knew that miracles usually involve a great love somehow. And I was aware that Catholics believe that a Catholic Priest is a Priest in eternity, not just here. It seemed to me that God would not have allowed an evil death to stop the sacrament. That Fr. Mychal would have continued with the Sacrament. And perhaps at its conclusion an angel would have gently informed Fr. Mychal that he had also died.

I never saw a picture of a dead man rescuing the living from such a danger.

See also saintmychal.com/photos.htm

The story I read in the National Enquirer is at
National Enquirer said:
“I first met Mike,” Fitzgerald recalls, "on September 11, 1951, on our first day of seminary together, and there we were 50 years to the day, praying over his dead body. It was unbelievaeble.

Now that I am in RCIA and have had some training (by doing a lot of reading), this makes it even more obvious to me.

It was 50 days from the Passion of Christ to Pentacost. That is why it is called Pentacost.

It was 50 days from the Exodus until Moses came to Mount Sanai.

Isn’t it rather amazing that it was 50 years to the day from when Father Mychal went to seminary and from when Father Mychal graduated from this world? That Father Mychal would go on the very day of his Jubilee? See Leviticus 25:10-13 and other verses in Leviticus Chapter 25.

I was reminded of the meaning of 50 last year. I was born December 20, 1954. June 19, 2004 was as close as possible to the middle of my 50th year of life. And on that day I was convinced to begin reading Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s book “Life is Worth Living”.

If the firemen in the picture were saved on 9/11, they were saved by their love for Father Mychal. Their love for Father Mychal dragged the firemen away from danger, no matter how much it looks otherwise. That was what I thought when I first saw the picture (even though I was not Catholic yet).
May his soul rest in everlasting peace! May the light of Heaven shine upon him!
Could a gay man be a saint?
Michael B. Kelly

“I have come to New York to honour the man whose deathcertificate, “No. 00001”, marks him as the first registered victim of the attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, and I am standing on the spot where they laid his body…”


God is the one loveable who is always rejoicing without end in infinite happiness. ~St.Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, died 395
Fr Ambrose said:
Could a gay man be a saint?
Michael B. Kelly

“I have come to New York to honour the man whose deathcertificate, “No. 00001”, marks him as the first registered victim of the attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, and I am standing on the spot where they laid his body…”


God is the one loveable who is always rejoicing without end in infinite happiness. ~St.Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, died 395

Can’t get to the article.

The headline is certainly provocative. People I know who knew Fr. Mychal personally said that they had never known him to even appear to sidestep his vows. They had utter confidence in his integrity. So the answer would certainly be: Yes. A person with same sex attraction can certainly be a saint.
Can’t get to the article.
Here is the link again

and as a TinyUrl

Here is another site


If none of that works, take the phrase “As I stand looking eastwards from the corner of Church” and use it to search on google.com
The headline is certainly provocative. People I know who knew Fr. Mychal personally said that they had never known him to even appear to sidestep his vows. They had utter confidence in his integrity. So the answer would certainly be: Yes. A person with same sex attraction can certainly be a saint.
Fr Ambrose:
Here is the link again

and as a TinyUrl

Here is another site


If none of that works, take the phrase “As I stand looking eastwards from the corner of Church” and use it to search on google.com
If this article is correct, then I guess the people I know who knew Fr. Judge did not know him well. I guess a lot of people didn’t know him well – though a lot of people knew he had SSA.
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