A Miraculous Intercession by Mother Theresa

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In April 2001 my cousin, then age 32, slipped and hit her head on the ground. She was found by her mother the next evening unconscious and was rushed to the hospital. I received a phone call from my aunt that night stating that I needed to come to the hospital right away as something terrible had happened to my cousin. When I arrived I spoke to one of my friends who was then a nurse in the ER and she stated that there was little hope for my cousin as she had suffered a massive brain aneurism. It was explained to us by the doctor on call that over 60% of her brain was covered by blood. To emphasize the extent of her injury he stated that individuals who suffer “dime sized” bleeds on the brain usually end up with severe deficits–and he said, she had a bleed the size of 4 or 5 “silver dollars.” My cousin went without a head drainage tube for over three hours because the doctors said it was useless. Are you ready for the miracle…??
I was left alone with my cousin that night in the ER for about five minutes. During that time I placed my hand on her forhead and asked Mother Theresa of Calcutta (already to many of us Saint Theresea of Calcutta) who had died a little over three years before to intercede to our Lord on behalf of my cousin. I asked that she be healed and that she would make a full recovery! I knew that this was a very large request, but I also know that all things are possible with the Lord.
The next morning around 10:00 I received a call from the hospital; it was my aunt. Fear rushed through my veins as I thought she was calling to tell me that my cousin had died. Instead she informed me that my cousin had “miraculously” regained consciousness that morning. Over the next several months she made a full recovery with ABSOLUTELY NO deficits!!! She returned to the ER to thank the doctors who had helped her that fateful evening and they were stunned. One doctor described it as nothing less than a total miracle!! My cousin is now married, earned her master’s degree, and isdoing great–like nothing ever happened.
I asked the Lord what I needed to do in return for the favors granted to me and my cousin throught the intercession of St. Theresa of Calcutta and the answer I received was to tell as many people as I could about the power of her intercession. I’ve told many and decided that this forum was another great place to spread the word.

God Bless!!
Thank you mother teresa for delivering the message to our lord and for making this persons recovery possible!
Does the Holy See know about this? The postulator for her cause? You need to tell them! It might help get her canonized.
As mentioned by the previous poster, this miracle could help Bl. Teresa of Calcutta to become canonized. As of right now there has been only one miracle so she is still not formally recognized as a saint, only as a blessed. You should contact your diocesan office and ask them if they can find out how you can contact the postulator of her cause for canonization.

Thanks for that wonderful story… please pray for my boss’ wife, she has very advanced breast cancer and is undergoing intense chemotherapy.

I gave them a miraculous medal, and we keep her in our prayers at the KC. She is in God’s hands and we hope and pray that she survives this ordeal. My boss is a real nice person, one of the nicest folks you could ever meet. I don’t think he is Catholic, but a cure could really help move him in that direction.
JKirk and Marty1818,

That is a fantastic suggestion. I am going to write the Bishop’s office today! Is this possible that the Holy See could use this–I mean by my story alone? It really was a complete miracle and I know 110% it was from Mother Teresa’s holy intercession!! As a matter of fact, she has become my patron saint for her miraculous intercession. I thank the Lord for her and ask her to pray for us everyday. (Also, I’m embrrassed at misspelling her name–I’m sure she doesn’t care). I now have a mission!

God Bless
JKirk and Marty1818,

That is a fantastic suggestion. I am going to write the Bishop’s office today! Is this possible that the Holy See could use this–I mean by my story alone? It really was a complete miracle and I know 110% it was from Mother Teresa’s holy intercession!! As a matter of fact, she has become my patron saint for her miraculous intercession. I thank the Lord for her and ask her to pray for us everyday. (Also, I’m embrrassed at misspelling her name–I’m sure she doesn’t care). I now have a mission!

God Bless
Excellent,go for it,lets give mother teresa the credit she deserves:)
JKirk and Marty1818,

That is a fantastic suggestion. I am going to write the Bishop’s office today! Is this possible that the Holy See could use this–I mean by my story alone?
God Bless
It is possible this event could be used but there will most likely be a long look at your story, your prayers, and the outcome . Continue to pray that Bl. Teresa will become recongnized as a saint. If not by your miracle, then by someone else’s.

Amazing example of God’s love. Thank you Dasher for sharing this. Interesting thing that a few days ago they were talking about Mother Teresa on the “Abunadant Life” on EWTN.
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