A modern Christian family problem

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Michael Foster, pastor of East River Church, OH tweets…

Here is a trend that I’m seeing and I don’t hear anyone else talking about it:

40+ year old wives and mothers of large (think 6+ kids) conservative Christian families (often homeschool families) suddenly engage in multiple affairs (often one night stands), divorcing their husbands, and ultimately abandoning their family for a “chance at a happy life.”

I have had easily 30 different men reach out to me about this exact scenario.

Obviously, I don’t know them all personally but the ones I do know (8-9) were good men.

Were they perfect? No.

Were they faithful, hard working decent husbands and fathers? Yes.

So what’s behind this trend?

It’s multi-factored. I can’t cover them all.

Here’s a brief sketch of what I think is often going on:

(1) I think these women are worn thin by the difficulty of the life they’ve chosen. It’s easy for the mother of a large family to feel as if their family has usurped any sense of personal identity. She feels like a nobody. The work of a mother is physically and emotionally taxing. It can exacerbate mental health issues (both real ones and ones that are more of a play-act). Also, you really start to feel some of life’s regrets in your mid-30s to mid-40s. People–especially unhappy people–often start to dream about what could have been… who they could have been.

(2) They see the possibility of the happy life they dreamed or now dream about through social media. They want to feel free and alive again. They get involved in online communities and develop “friendships.” This curated digital world makes them feel good. They get praise, encouragement, etc. Maybe, they think, I can still live the life I “always” desired. Maybe I can get unstuck.

(3) They start to share their dissatisfaction with their life within these communities. Some of it is legit but much is one-sided and slanted due their discontent. However, those in these online communities don’t push back on them and encourage them to do what it takes to be happy. Many of these people will actively encourage infidelity and divorce.

(4) There are a ton of guys who are willing to take advantage of naive discontented housewives, especially if it’s for low commitment sex. And, to be fair, so many of these women aren’t looking for a relationship. They are searching for a feeling. Many of them know that the one-night stand is exactly what it is. It, however, can only temporarily deliver the feeling of being “free” or “liberated.” Hence, it usually results in multiple hook-ups.

(5) People need a rationale to explain and categorize their destructive behavior as morally acceptable. Our culture tells both men and women that personal fulfillment or happiness is the highest good. It also says to deny someone their highest good is a form of abuse. Consequently, these women assign their husband and Christian background to the category of “abusive.” This then justifies their actions. They just want to break free from a “life of oppression.” If the church or anyone is against that, they are victim-shaming and aiding an abuser. So, these women play that card and it mostly works.

Again, there are more factors and there are different scenarios. But this is a real one that I see playing out over and over.

We have a big family.
We are in mid-life.
We home-school.
And we are very happy.

But we have faced down these temptations in the context of a supportive loving level headed community of believers.

I fear that the ridiculously reductive idealism of social media (including the reformed patriarchal big family homeschool world) will create families who are especially at risk for this sort of situation in a decade or two.
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And the solution is…?

Of all the families I’ve known who might even partially fit into this category (conservative Christian homeschoolers with large families), only one has fallen apart, and I don’t know if it was at the initiative of the husband or the wife. It could just as easily have been either one. (Or both.) She was nice but he was a jerk.

And, yes, they attended the TLM.
And the solution is…?
A spiritual director or psychologist might suggest having an attitude of superiority, looking down and judging the world around them as inferior, living with a problem of pride, is a recipe for a crash. Hence Proverbs 16:18

Pride goes before destruction
and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Just as a thought experiment, I re-read the entire OP, and substituted the husband for the wife. The same thing can happen the other way around (minus probably the online sharing and seeking commiseration from others). Fathers of large families have issues too, and it’s not unknown for them to leave their wives and children to pursue other avenues. I’ve seen it happen. The “mid-life crisis” is legendary.
Fr. Ripperger, the Traditionalist Priest and exorcist noted the same a few years ago in highlighting problems within the traditionalist movement.

2. Every Gnostic movement always suffers from grave problems of the impurity and so is the traditionalist movement. This is a serious problem. I’m not saying this as my own perception, although it is true that I noticed this some time ago. This is something that traditional priests are starting to discuss because it’s becoming a serious problem. Why is this? Well it’s pride. Pride is the vice in which a person judges himself greater than he is. So what does God do? He allows you to lapse into the lowest, basest, vulgarest forms of sins in order to lower your estimation of yourself. Well what’s happening is, because traditionalists are so proud, they’re really following into serious problems regarding the sixth commandment and it’s across the board.

3. The second problem is it’s becoming a generational spirit. What’s a generational spirit? It’s one in which if parents commit particular kinds of sins, they open the door to demons inserting themselves into their family life, and it gets passed from generation to generation. Now my own estimation of this is, is that the generational spirit is pride. But it’s also becoming a generational spirit of impurity, because you’re seeing it almost it’s across the board, where the parents had a problem with the impurity, they haven’t gotten it under control, or they’ve never done anything to undo this the generational spirit in their family or some spirit of pride.

And it’s getting passed from generation to generation. What’s this mean? It means that kids that are coming up who are normally good kids, who are doing what they normally do (okay they might be disobedient here and there what-have-you), but they’re getting to be 10, 11, 12 years of age and they’re seriously struggling with impurity when they shouldn’t be. There’s nothing in the family other than the externals of the family life, but then you find out the father has a problem of pornography or self-abuse or they’re doing other things or what-have-you. And this is where it’s becoming a serious problem. If you look at the number of sins against the sixth commandment, sins like self-abuse, pornography, fornication, among traditionalists, they are not any better than the people who go to the New Mass. In fact, there’s some estimates by some priests that it’s worse than is among the New Rite people.

This is a serious problem. It’s going to drag us down. Why? Because if we’re not careful, we’re going to end up suffering what St. Paul says which was “and God gave them over to their lusts and they started sleeping men with men and women with women.” It’s already happening among the youth of the traditional movement, because of this generational spirit. If parents don’t want this problem among their children, they’ve got to get their act together. If they’ve started stuff in the past they’ve got to get this generational line straightened out and cleaned up.

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Let me be more clear.

“I’ve seen it happen”… in all places and under many different circumstances, not just the TLM movement. In fact, the only case of the collapse of a large family I’ve ever seen in TLM circles is the one I described above.

Men leave their families all the time. Women leave their families all the time. It’s no one particular religious demographic, or any other kind of demographic for that matter.
Maybe the most salient point being don’t think you’re better than anyone else for isolating into perceived pristine communities. Pride goeth before falls.
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