A number of questions

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Hello my Catholic friends,
I am a spiritually minded individual who was raised Catholic. I went through a period getting over the fears that limited my faith. I was for a while angry with the Church for having raised me to fear so much. So I went through a time where I considered becoming wiccan. I listen to people who use the word channeling for what they do and even tried channeling myself. I do not consider these things sinful… I am giving background.

I was recently considering listening to the Bible on audiobook and could not find the Catholic version in audio form. I could only find two versions. Of the two I settled on the King James verison, but have been hearing it was a bad translation.

I was wondering if you find the King James Bible to be translated well enough for listening to? (I have audible.com)

I am trying to incorporate my Catholic upbringing with my current beliefs. I am a bit of a free spirit. I do not need anyone trying to change my beliefs. This task I will likely do alone.

I have seen elements of the Catholic faith in many of the ‘New Age’ books I have read. I think the difference is often terminology. ‘New Age’ will for example say, “We are all God.” But I recall Catholic priest saying, “God is in you.” Or “We are all part of the body of God.”

This is just one example.
Anyway, good day Catholic Family.
Well, the King James version will be missing a few books that are in Catholic Bibles. 😏
Hello my Catholic friends,
I am a spiritually minded individual who was raised Catholic. I went through a period getting over the fears that limited my faith. I was for a while angry with the Church for having raised me to fear so much. So I went through a time where I considered becoming wiccan. I listen to people who use the word channeling for what they do and even tried channeling myself. I do not consider these things sinful… I am giving background.

I was recently considering listening to the Bible on audiobook and could not find the Catholic version in audio form. I could only find two versions. Of the two I settled on the King James verison, but have been hearing it was a bad translation.

I was wondering if you find the King James Bible to be translated well enough for listening to? (I have audible.com)

I am trying to incorporate my Catholic upbringing with my current beliefs. I am a bit of a free spirit. I do not need anyone trying to change my beliefs. This task I will likely do alone.

I have seen elements of the Catholic faith in many of the ‘New Age’ books I have read. I think the difference is often terminology. ‘New Age’ will for example say, “We are all God.” But I recall Catholic priest saying, “God is in you.” Or “We are all part of the body of God.”

This is just one example.
Anyway, good day Catholic Family.
USCCB wrote:

What follows is a complete list of the translations of the Sacred Scriptures that have received the approval of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops since 1983.

In addition to the translations listed below, any translation of the Sacred Scriptures that has received proper ecclesiastical approval ‒ namely, by the Apostolic See or a local ordinary prior to 1983, or by the Apostolic See or an episcopal conference following 1983 ‒ may be used by the Catholic faithful for private prayer and study.

Books of the New Testament, Alba House

Contemporary English Version - New Testament, First Edition, American Bible Society

Contemporary English Version - Book of Psalms, American Bible Society

Contemporary English Version - Book of Proverbs, American Bible Society

The Grail Psalter (Inclusive Language Version), G.I.A. Publications

New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition, National Council of Churches

The Psalms, Alba House

The Psalms (New International Version) - St. Joseph Catholic Edition, Catholic Book Publishing Company

The Psalms - St. Joseph New Catholic Version, Catholic Book Publishing Company

Revised Psalms of the New American Bible (1991)

So You May Believe, A Translation of the Four Gospels, Alba House

Today’s English Version, Second Edition, American Bible Society

Translation for Early Youth, A Translation of the New Testament for Children, Contemporary English Version, American Bible Society


If you are not in the US then the local Conference should provide guidance.
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I am trying to incorporate my Catholic upbringing with my current beliefs. I am a bit of a free spirit. I do not need anyone trying to change my beliefs. This task I will likely do alone.
why? because you like the outward appearances? these do nothing for your soul without Jesus

what do you believe about Jesus?

it all comes down to belief in Jesus.

1 Corinthians 15:14 and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain.
Thank you for the question, but I do not believe this is the place to go into my personal beliefs because I respect your beliefs and know they differ. I am not here to debate beliefs but to learn how Catholicism might expand my viewpoints. I respect all faiths. Just think of me as someone with a different religion who respects yours enough not to try to change the things you believe in.

For outward appearances, I look no different than the average person. I rarely get to talk about my beliefs expect on forums and when I go to community ‘new age’ events in my area. I use the word New Age for lack of another word.

I realize my beliefs differ from yours enough that this is not the place to get into deep talk of them. Just know I have been studying many Spiritual texts, not of the Catholic sort since before 2012. I have listened to many Spiritual teachers who exist outside of the confines of religion.

Therefore my answers to these questions are complex and a bit undecided.

I will consider your Bible quote, but I doubt it means exactly the same thing to different people as we have dissimilar backgrounds so will understand the same Bible text in different ways.
Nevermind, the link I posted was wrong the poster above mine has the correct Bible which is available from Audible.
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Thanks, both of you. I see that it is the New Testament. I found something in the apple app store called ‘Ignatius Press Augustine Institute’ which has a dramatized audio Bible New Testament with a foreword by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Only I wanted a version that was un dramatized too. Hopefully, by the time I am done with the New Testament, it will be easier to find the Catholic Old Testament in audio. I had planned on starting at the beginning, but I guess God had another plan.

I heard the Jewish English Translation of the Old Testament was very well done called “JPS Tanakh: The Jewish Bible.” Only they would not call it the Old Testament. So I have a backup in case I do not find the Old Testament Catholic in audiobook.
I am trying to incorporate my Catholic upbringing with my current beliefs. I am a bit of a free spirit. I do not need anyone trying to change my beliefs. This task I will likely do alone.

God bless you. As a person who traveled the same road in the past, I recommend that you read about the lives of the Saints. They were a very strong influence in my return to the Catholic Church.

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Scott Hahn is an awesome writer and convert to the faith who makes the Bible very understandable to the masses.

The Journey Home. Marcus Grodi has spoken to many people who converted to the Catholic Church from all walks of life. They give their reasons for converting or returning to the Catholic Church.

Thank you for your kindness. I am listening to Father Thomas Keating and now attempting Centering Prayer.

I do not know what I will find listening to the Bible, but I felt the need to listen to it with my heart.

There is much history in the Catholic Church and the works of many who have devoted their lives to God. I think many look at the surface and do not really understand the Church. As someone in the spiritual community, if not the Catholic one, I have meet many people who see organizated religion as ‘unenlightened’ or ‘unawake.’ Many in my community have unhealed emotion attached to Christian/Catholic religions.

I see how beautiful the Catholic faith is and appreciate it leaves space for mysticism. Out of all the Christian faiths I think it fits me the best. I am glad I was raised Catholic and need to heal my relationship with the Church. My faith in God was pretty steady, but my relationship with the Church… well I kind of just disappeared in that relationship.
My prayers are with you.

If you’re interested in mysticism, then definitely the Saints will be helpful to you. There are so many great mystical Saints in the Catholic Church. You might want to start with St. Theresa of Avila or St. Catherine of Siena. They are two of my favorites.
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