Should work now-I wish I could figyre out how to isert the pictures-I used insert picture and all i got was the linkawww… the link didn’t work.
Probably is, but it shows the liberal mindset. They think they should do the thinking of others, but the rules do not apply to them.I’m not sure if that’s satire???
Sorry if it offends, but it is meant to be a slap at pro-choicers. This is a baby, not a choice.I don’t know how you people don’t think that’s funny. It’s also a stab at pro choicers!
I agree, I believe it’s “tongue in the cheek” humor, showing the ironic stupidity of “pro-choicers” . In other words, “I’m here now and I’m all that matters, anyone else in my way might die”Sorry if it offends, but it is meant to be a slap at pro-choicers. This is a baby, not a choice.