In his most recent blog Professor Edward Feser discusses a possible explanation for the phenomena of radiation, which has been used by some cosmologists and some scientists to deny the principle of causality of Philosophy, because they mistakenly think all causality is deterministic, that there must be an identifiable and accompanying, time related cause for every effect. There is indeed an efficient cause but that cause is its generating cause, even its creating cause. In that case the efficient cause does not accompany the motion/change and may be separated from its effect ( radiation, continuous motion, random motion, etc.) by days, months, years, eaons.
Professor Feser concludes by expaning that the indeterminate rate of radiation, as well as other phenomena such as Newton’s Law of Inertia may well be attributed to the spontaneous action of the very nature/substantial form of any substance and is not due to any external, and accompanying deterministic or efficient cause. Its efficient cause is its generating cause and this is not deterministic, not an accompanying, time related cause. This is a theme which is perfectly Aristotelian/Thomistic as is evident when Aristotle and Thomas discuss the natures of any substances. The very nature of any substance, which is determined by its substantial form, gives rise to any number of spontaneous characteristics and actions. For example, the human heart pumps blood throughout the body because this a natural and spontaneous action of human nature, but specifically of the human soul. But the efficient cause is the generating cause, the parents, and, ultimately the creating cause, God. * In the case of human nature we have actually two generating causes, the parents who supply the material stuff or the offspring, including the heart, and God who is the immediate, but remote in time, generating cause of the soul.
These concepts are themes brought foreward by Fr. James A. Weisheiple O.P. ( R.I.P. ) in his book, Nature and Motion in the Middle Ages.
An interesting read, but long and deep.
I have discussed these in my thread " The First Way Explained " on this Forum.
Professor Feser concludes by expaning that the indeterminate rate of radiation, as well as other phenomena such as Newton’s Law of Inertia may well be attributed to the spontaneous action of the very nature/substantial form of any substance and is not due to any external, and accompanying deterministic or efficient cause. Its efficient cause is its generating cause and this is not deterministic, not an accompanying, time related cause. This is a theme which is perfectly Aristotelian/Thomistic as is evident when Aristotle and Thomas discuss the natures of any substances. The very nature of any substance, which is determined by its substantial form, gives rise to any number of spontaneous characteristics and actions. For example, the human heart pumps blood throughout the body because this a natural and spontaneous action of human nature, but specifically of the human soul. But the efficient cause is the generating cause, the parents, and, ultimately the creating cause, God. * In the case of human nature we have actually two generating causes, the parents who supply the material stuff or the offspring, including the heart, and God who is the immediate, but remote in time, generating cause of the soul.
These concepts are themes brought foreward by Fr. James A. Weisheiple O.P. ( R.I.P. ) in his book, Nature and Motion in the Middle Ages.
An interesting read, but long and deep.
I have discussed these in my thread " The First Way Explained " on this Forum.