A Possible Way to Abort Planned Parenthood?

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What if the protestant religious leaders joined with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to say with one loud, booming voice that it is against our religious freedom to be forced to allow any part of our taxes to fund abortion services such as Planned Parenthood?

Here’s a quote: “According to a 2004 report from Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, it receives 53 percent of its revenue from government fees and contracts.” -US News Wire

And another from dawneden.com: “The Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual report s**hows that it received over a quarter-billion dollars in taxpayer funding in fiscal 2004. That money is fungible; it enables the organization to spend more money on public-relations efforts like “A Superhero for Choice,” as well as on abortions. If you do not want to see your tax dollars go towards such examples of Planned Parenthood’s so-called"comprehensive sexual education” contact your senator or your representative."

Imagine if Planned Parenthood, all over the country, stopped receiving money from taxpayers. Wouldn’t that hurt them? Wouldn’t that just be a big blow to them? I don’t think they could operate as strongly on meerly 47%. They would have to rely on donations from pro-choice people and companies that fund Planned Parenthood. It seems like Planned Parenthood needs our tax money. But it is against our religion to support anything pro-choice, in any way. So would it then be possible to say it is against our freedom of religion to be forced to pay taxes which may go toward something that is against our religion?
Have you ever seen Congress try to reduce spending, let alone eliminate it completely? You can’t do it with silly and inconsequential things, I doubt it could be done here.

But I do agree with you, it (the money) should be targeted. It’s quite despicable that we’re forced to support an organization that is so contrary to our beliefs through taxation.
I certainly have no love for Planned Parenthood and I would not cry if they never got another penny from the federal government. But federal law prohibits federal funds (to them or to any other organization, including military hospitals, health insurance for government workers, and similar) from being spent on abortion. Federal health insurance (and I think most other insurance) does not fund most birth control. (I could be wrong on this one.) Of course, Planned Parenthood and other organizations can play games with their federal funding in order to get around federal law and federal regulations. But it would be illegal or at least in violation of regulations. Much of the federal funding to Planned Parenthood is to provide health services (gynecological and obstetrical as well as basic health care) to poor women and is based on income.
I say we boycott the government. Who’s with me. LET’S NOT PAY TAXES!!! 😃 😃 😃 😃
I say we boycott the government. Who’s with me. LET’S NOT PAY TAXES!!! 😃 😃 😃 😃
Maybe you’re not being sincere, but one wonders what compelling reason the government has to take our tax money at gun point and use it to defile our religious beliefs?

Maybe I just thought of the answer to my own question. As I pointed out in another post, I’ve looked at Tiller the Killer’s campaign contributions, and he’s pretty good at knowing whose palms to grease.

Maybe you’re not being sincere, but one wonders what compelling reason the government has to take our tax money at gun point and use it to defile our religious beliefs?

Maybe I just thought of the answer to my own question. As I pointed out in another post, I’ve looked at Tiller the Killer’s campaign contributions, and he’s pretty good at knowing whose palms to grease.

Alan, don’t go there. It has been done on other issues and you always lose. You can’t fight IRS or paying taxes.

Who is Tiller the Killer?
No, it needs to be bigger than this. It needs to be more than just Christianity. Get the Jews, Witches (& Wiccans), Athiest, Agnostics, and whoever else would like to join. As a matter of fact, get ONLY them…chances are that people wouldn’t be likely to dismiss them as religious un-scientific yokel zealots.

…Not that I thought about this, you understand…
For an organization called PLANNED PARENTHOOD…I wonder…do they provide ANY services for the actual BIRTH of children instead of PREVENTION of birth? All I hear is that they provide access to abortion, conraceptives, etc… do they provide for Pre natal care? Do they give out prenatal vitamins like they do condoms? Do they direct women to facilities that help them carry their babies to term when they dont have funds? Do they hand out baby clothes or provide services for low income soon to be parents? I guess I am asking is there SOME sort of balance to this organization or is it ALWAYS demonized just because they are pro choice? Are there stats to this balance if they do assist pregnant moms to carry their babies to term vs providing condoms and such?
La Chiara:
Alan, don’t go there. It has been done on other issues and you always lose. You can’t fight IRS or paying taxes.

Who is Tiller the Killer?
I can’t help but go there in my mind, but I agree it is futile to try to actually protest. I honestly think it violates our freedom of religion, but I’m not sure I could make a sufficient “secular” case out of it, and definitely don’t think people who have had “consciencious objection” to paying taxes for various reasons have had hardly any success, if at all. Since I do seasonal work as a tax preparer for H&R Block, I sometimes boggle at what goes on in the tax world.

The Good News is that the IRS really is kinder and gentler in ways it didn’t used to be. Many of my clients are in income brackets where they actually pay negative taxes, so what they hey – they look at the IRS and me, for that matter, as if we were Santa Clause giving them the money to go buy a car or a whole lot of crack or something. They pay in nothing and get a $3,000 refund, and the more sordid their living situation the more creative I can sometimes be at legally getting them even more of a refund.

Sorry not to provide the reference to Tiller the Killer. He is an infamous elective late term abortionist here in Wichita a few miles from my house, who has received a great deal of national attention, and national business as people come here to have things done that other states won’t allow. We probably peaked in publicity several years ago when the Lambs of Christ came to town for the “Summer of Mercy” which resulted in some very interesting phenomena, including a “Catholic” Clinton-appointed federal judge who was clearly biased against the protestors, and actually stated his personal opinion on a TV interview, prior to making decisions against the protestors, and refused to excuse himself from the case despite a public outcry where even his supporters found it rough to stick up for him! It was quite the spectacular event. Last I heard there was some deal that Christians could keep a bunch of little crosses planted near the clinic, as long as someone was there to watch them all the time. Kind of like Adoration but in reverse. I often honk and wave to protestors as I drive by. With the new security and federal laws, they aren’t as visible, but they did open a pro-life clinic next door to his shop; Tiller tried but actually failed to get the city council to prevent it using zoning laws. Chalk one up for the good guys!

No, it needs to be bigger than this. It needs to be more than just Christianity. Get the Jews, Witches (& Wiccans), Athiest, Agnostics, and whoever else would like to join. As a matter of fact, get ONLY them…chances are that people wouldn’t be likely to dismiss them as religious un-scientific yokel zealots.

…Not that I thought about this, you understand…

When Dennis Pragger ( a Jew) was leading the fight to save the cross on the Los Angeles County Seal, he lined up Rabbis, Immams, and other non-Christians to speak with the Christians who wanted to defend their heritage.

At one point, an Orthodox Rabbi walked down the street by the County Hall blowing the Shofar to rally the various demonstrators.

The display blew everyone’s minds, but the Democratic Supervisors agreed with the ACLU and voted to remove the cross.

If the powers that be are determined to do something like this, no protests by any numbr of diverse groups will change their minds. and, Because the MSM believes so firmly in Abortion on Demand, they will report the protests as beling led by Christians even if Dennis Pragger, Michael Medved and Barry Lindh decide to lead it together!

I think the second may be worse than the first, because it means that the general public which relies on the MSM for their information won’t getting the facts.

Blessed are they who act to save the Innocents, Michael
For an organization called PLANNED PARENTHOOD…I wonder…do they provide ANY services for the actual BIRTH of children instead of PREVENTION of birth? All I hear is that they provide access to abortion, conraceptives, etc… do they provide for Pre natal care? Do they give out prenatal vitamins like they do condoms? Do they direct women to facilities that help them carry their babies to term when they dont have funds? Do they hand out baby clothes or provide services for low income soon to be parents? I guess I am asking is there SOME sort of balance to this organization or is it ALWAYS demonized just because they are pro choice? Are there stats to this balance if they do assist pregnant moms to carry their babies to term vs providing condoms and such?
My understanding is that they make most of their income from abortions, so that’s what they push. They don’t like to present actual choices, but describe the unborn child as a blob of tissue.
Our priest started a Right to Life committee in response to a Planned Parenthood clinic opening three blocks away from the church, and now we’re opening a Birthright office nearby. We will be giving out maternity and baby clothes, referrals to prolife physicians, housing and other assistance, as well as counselling.
Margaret Sanger, founder of PP, was a eugenics fanatic and racist, who felt the poor would be better off dead. PP doesn’t dwell on her writings, but they tend to target minorities. Our area is heavily black and hispanic, so we think that’s why the clinic opened here.
My understanding is that they make most of their income from abortions, so that’s what they push. They don’t like to present actual choices, but describe the unborn child as a blob of tissue.
Our priest started a Right to Life committee in response to a Planned Parenthood clinic opening three blocks away from the church, and now we’re opening a Birthright office nearby. We will be giving out maternity and baby clothes, referrals to prolife physicians, housing and other assistance, as well as counselling.
Margaret Sanger, founder of PP, was a eugenics fanatic and racist, who felt the poor would be better off dead. PP doesn’t dwell on her writings, but they tend to target minorities. Our area is heavily black and hispanic, so we think that’s why the clinic opened here.
And from random accounts of women going into Planned Parenthood, it seems that they are made to feel that abortion is the only or best option, and that adoption is less of a priority.
And from random accounts of women going into Planned Parenthood, it seems that they are made to feel that abortion is the only or best option, and that adoption is less of a priority.

They actually create some of this themselves with the encouragement to be promiscuous with various “friends with benefits” (only valid link would make you puke) and “sex education” that encourages sex with multiple partners outside of marriage.

These help to create a “Contraceptive Mentality” where children are seen as “Centraceptive Failures” rather than the Gifts from God they are. To people with this mentality, pregnancy is a disease whose cure is Abortion, not a process that brings life and hope.

This is why Planned Parenthood will never provide Adoption services or any other services that support bringing the baby to term and giving birth unless they’re forced to do so. And Why PP will NEVER file Amicus Curae Briefs on behalf of ANY refugee fleeing FORCED ABORTION or FORCED STERILIZATION.

And, That is why the continued giving of Federal Funds to these people is a travesty and must be fought, even if it is a lost cause.

And, That is why we need to file complaints with the IRS against Planned Parenthood and their Advocacy and even their “EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS” (Which are ADVOCACY too)!

I will try to get the precise place to send those complaints. Meanwhile, please send them to your elected representatives, both in the House and the Senate and demand that they take action to reduce funding and complain to the IRS.

We can’t wait for the corrected info on this one, and the elected Representatives and Senators will do for now, if we ALL write!

Meanwhile, the info on the PRECISE people in the IRS to address our complaints would be appreciated.

Thank You.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
even if the use of funds give to PP by govt are moral and legit (eg OBGYN exams, mammograms, etc). it is part of their image ot be a womens health group right? if we cut funding to PP, they as a business might be too concerned fortheir bottom line and not divert abortion funds to save the legit stuf, as abortion is their money maker. thus they will be exposed as a abortion company, as in that is all they do, and since coersion thaty coudl happen during a OBGYN appt woujdl no longer be a possibility, they woudl have to activly recuit the scared and veunerable women, and that will hurt their public image to be advertizing plainly “come and abort with us.”

mea culpa for the typing, laptop keyboards are too small
We have the same situation here in New Zealand, (where abortion is only legally permitted in limited circumstances yet recognised as being available on demand). Taxpayer money pays 100% of the cost of the abortion for citizens and permanent residents.

Family Planning Association of NZ is partially funded through the Ministry of Health to provide training in sex education and for the Clinics throughout NZ which counsel girls and young women that in their circumstances ‘abortion would be for the best’.

They are rewarded for their negative results. If comprehensive sex education reduced teenage pregnancy and abortion, they would be out of business. So it is not in their best interest to be successful, it is also why they oppose abstinence education.

Non-payment of taxes is not the answer. Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. We fulfill our duty, it is up to ‘Caesar’ to answer for how the taxes are used.

What we must do is get smarter in witnessing to our neighbour (that’s NZ spelling by the way) and change the way people look at both sex outside of marriage and abortion. As someone wiser than me said, we are called to be faithful, not successful. I guess that means much the same as preaching the Gospel constantly, sometimes even using words.
"Sorry not to provide the reference to Tiller the Killer. He is an infamous elective late term abortionist here in Wichita a few miles from my house, who has received a great deal of national attention, and national business as people come here to have things done that other states won’t allow. "

Alan, I just went to the link about Tiller the Killer and read for the first time what different abortion procedure “choices” are. I also like the part where it says “Pregnancy ends in one of three ways: birth, miscarriage or informed abortion”. The childhood song just popped in my head - “which of these things is NOT like the other?” Which of these things is unnatural and intent to kill? They talk about how they will decide, during a late term abortion, whether the baby is “viable” and could live on its own.

They also go through the risks of abortion, as well as the risks of childbirth. They actually make it look like it is less risky to have an abortion! 1 in 100,000 women die for every abortion, while 10 in every 100,000 women die for every live birth. What they certain don’t mention that 100,000 of every 100,000 abortions results in the death of a baby! I am sick to my stomach and crying. That was just too much to take. How do doctors, those who have committed their lives to “helping people” do this day in and day out? I don’t understand…
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