What if the protestant religious leaders joined with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to say with one loud, booming voice that it is against our religious freedom to be forced to allow any part of our taxes to fund abortion services such as Planned Parenthood?
Here’s a quote: “According to a 2004 report from Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, it receives 53 percent of its revenue from government fees and contracts.” -US News Wire
And another from dawneden.com: “The Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual report s**hows that it received over a quarter-billion dollars in taxpayer funding in fiscal 2004. That money is fungible; it enables the organization to spend more money on public-relations efforts like “A Superhero for Choice,” as well as on abortions. If you do not want to see your tax dollars go towards such examples of Planned Parenthood’s so-called"comprehensive sexual education” contact your senator or your representative."
Imagine if Planned Parenthood, all over the country, stopped receiving money from taxpayers. Wouldn’t that hurt them? Wouldn’t that just be a big blow to them? I don’t think they could operate as strongly on meerly 47%. They would have to rely on donations from pro-choice people and companies that fund Planned Parenthood. It seems like Planned Parenthood needs our tax money. But it is against our religion to support anything pro-choice, in any way. So would it then be possible to say it is against our freedom of religion to be forced to pay taxes which may go toward something that is against our religion?
Here’s a quote: “According to a 2004 report from Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, it receives 53 percent of its revenue from government fees and contracts.” -US News Wire
And another from dawneden.com: “The Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual report s**hows that it received over a quarter-billion dollars in taxpayer funding in fiscal 2004. That money is fungible; it enables the organization to spend more money on public-relations efforts like “A Superhero for Choice,” as well as on abortions. If you do not want to see your tax dollars go towards such examples of Planned Parenthood’s so-called"comprehensive sexual education” contact your senator or your representative."
Imagine if Planned Parenthood, all over the country, stopped receiving money from taxpayers. Wouldn’t that hurt them? Wouldn’t that just be a big blow to them? I don’t think they could operate as strongly on meerly 47%. They would have to rely on donations from pro-choice people and companies that fund Planned Parenthood. It seems like Planned Parenthood needs our tax money. But it is against our religion to support anything pro-choice, in any way. So would it then be possible to say it is against our freedom of religion to be forced to pay taxes which may go toward something that is against our religion?