When I was 6 years old (62 years ago), I suffered from an auto immune disorder
that caused my immune system to go haywire and attack my nerves whch left me paralyzed for 4 months. After another 2 months of intense physical therapy, I was able to walk again with crutches and regained the use of my hands and fingers.
Within the year, I did not need crutches any longer.
Anyhow, residual effects of having this disorder is extreme fatigue and nerve
pain from nerves that were injured and did not heal completely or were overused.
I have another health issue I am dealing with now as well as marriage break
up of my son and daughter-in-law.
A new year has started and I am trying to take care of myself physically, emotionally and mentally, but it is hard when I suffer extreme fatigue.
Stress makes the fatigue worse.
The pain makes me feel short tempered and more tired. And with the fatigue
comes confusion. I am a mess.
Please say a prayer I can find someway to live a normal life and
deal with my daily problems. Most people that see me don’t see anything wrong from the outside, but they have no idea what is happening on the inside.
It is very frustrating and I have been living this way for 20 years, but it is
getting worse. I just keep waking up everyday and getting out of bed and
muddle through one day after another.
I really want this year to be better than last year and be able to
enjoy my grandkids.
I need prayer to have the energy to keep going!
Thank you. God bless!!
that caused my immune system to go haywire and attack my nerves whch left me paralyzed for 4 months. After another 2 months of intense physical therapy, I was able to walk again with crutches and regained the use of my hands and fingers.
Within the year, I did not need crutches any longer.
Anyhow, residual effects of having this disorder is extreme fatigue and nerve
pain from nerves that were injured and did not heal completely or were overused.
I have another health issue I am dealing with now as well as marriage break
up of my son and daughter-in-law.
A new year has started and I am trying to take care of myself physically, emotionally and mentally, but it is hard when I suffer extreme fatigue.
Stress makes the fatigue worse.
The pain makes me feel short tempered and more tired. And with the fatigue
comes confusion. I am a mess.
Please say a prayer I can find someway to live a normal life and
deal with my daily problems. Most people that see me don’t see anything wrong from the outside, but they have no idea what is happening on the inside.
It is very frustrating and I have been living this way for 20 years, but it is
getting worse. I just keep waking up everyday and getting out of bed and
muddle through one day after another.
I really want this year to be better than last year and be able to
enjoy my grandkids.
I need prayer to have the energy to keep going!
Thank you. God bless!!