**Here are the problems with creating a separate prayer sub-forum:**1) It would greatly increase the number of threads I have to moderate.2) The threads tend to need a great amount of moderation because people put personal information (like last names, parish names, addresses, hospital names) of other people who have not given their permission for the information to be made public.3) The threads tend to stray well beyond prayers for the intention into advice for the person, apologetics, historical debates, and other content that is more appropriate in the other forums.4) It would create another forum I have to moderate without any greater compensation for the work.
**I am willing to do a trial period if you will agree to the following:**1) Stick to the rules concerning posting other people’s personal information.2) Keep to the topic of the forum (prayers for specific intentions, and only prayers for specific intentions) and redirect people to the appropriate forums if they are seeking anything else (family advice, apologetics questions, questions about prayer, etc)3) Use the Bad Post Report triangle to quickly and politely alert me to any deviation from the above that requires moderator intervention, so that I can rely on you to self-moderate, allowing me to not read every post to every thread.In short, if you want the sub-forum, I am willing to allow it. You, the regular posters there, will have to be my eyes and ears to make it work smoothly.
If it becomes a repository for random conversations about advice in the family, career, spiritual, and physical realms, or if every thread becomes so personal that I am required to constantly edit out other people’s information, it will quickly be folded back into the current format.