A prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

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There is an old prayer to St. Michael. It starts:" Michael , Michael of the morning…"
Is anyone here familiar with it? mIf you know it ,please list it.
Michael, Michael of the morning.
Fresh chord of dawn adorning.
Keep me safe today
And in time of temptation,
drive the devil away.
Our whole Church does this one at every Mass that one of our Priests does, as he recesses out of the Church at the end. It’s great!
St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits, who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

We say this prayer after masses during the week at my home parish, sadly not at the church near my office.
Why do you call Archangel Michael as St. Michael, he is not a Saint, he is an Archangel. Saints are much higher in rank than Archangel. They highest place in heaven, is for the Saints that were matured!!!

Is this just another way, which the Catholic Religion (Cult) has diverted from the true path of God.

I remember last year, when I visited the Vatican, my wife made a comment to our tour guide, who was trying to cut down the Orthodoxy Church. After viewing the statues in St. Peter, of the Popes, she said that “The Catholic Religion has made God, to be human, in the mosaics, but has made the popes into Gods”

I look forward in discussing various differences between the Orthodox and the Catholic Religions.

May Christ forgive all the sinners of this world!!!
I remember last year, when I visited the Vatican, my wife made a comment to our tour guide, who was trying to cut down the Orthodoxy Church. After viewing the statues in St. Peter, of the Popes, she said that “The Catholic Religion has made God, to be human, in the mosaics, but has made the popes into Gods”
Yes, that has become a big problem.
Why do you call Archangel Michael as St. Michael, he is not a Saint, he is an Archangel. Saints are much higher in rank than Archangel. They highest place in heaven, is for the Saints that were matured!!!
Saint simply comes from the Latin word for holy - the same word that is applied to the Holy Bible, the Holy Mass, the Holy Eucharist … are you saying the angels aren’t holy?

For that matter Paul calls ***all ***the living faithful saints as well - the saints in Corinth, the saints in Ephesus and so on. Are you suggesting that all of them, or you or I for that matter, are holier than the Archangel Michael??? Don’t think so.
All I’m saying is that saints (Martyrs) are much higher than Archangels. To put it to you in Earthly terms. Which elected officials have more power and prestige, a State Governor or a City Mayor? They are both elected officials and they both deserve respect, but when it come to protocol, a Governor is in a much Higher position than a Mayor. The same thing is with the saint, they are much higher in Heaven than the Archangels.

If you would like to discus this topic some more, then maybe we should open up a new thread in the discussion section of this forum
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