A Problematic Situation

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This is very hard for me to speak of in public, even though there is a degree of anynomity. I hope this is the right forum to post this in and that it is not too inappropriate. I have this friend of mine who I am very concerned about. She is my closest and dearest friend. I met her about 4 years ago at the People to People organization. At the time I was very anti-christian but partly due to her influence I became christian, to be more exact Lutheran (although she is episcopalian). I quickly surpassed her in theological and philosophical study of the faith due to the adversity of my family. However she still supported me in my faith against the onslaught of my hostile family. Due to my more intellectual understanding of the faith, she often was very prone to accepting my ideas on particular issues, which admitably were quite corrupt in some areas, particularly issues concerning sexual morality. However there was one issue she would not budge on, abortion. She is very pro-choice. Over the years I became more and more Catholic in my thinking, eventually I became Catholic. A bit before I flew into the arms of Holy Mother Church, she became increasingly liberal doctrinally due to the influence of her psychological studies (particularly Freud) and the breakdown of her family due in part of the church she attended. She seems to be more and more leaning towards moral relativism and skeptical subjectivism. I fear more and more each day that she will apostasize. She still holds on to a belief in the literal divinity and resurrection of Christ however. But still I fear she will go the way of the apostate. I have tried subtely to be a Catholic influence, subtely because I do not wish to scare her away completely leaving her with no Catholic infleunce. I have been working on my Apologia, which is a personal letter addressed to my family and close friends explaining why I am Catholic (approx. 55 pages in length and growing). Other than that I am fresh out of ideas. I now turn to you, my brothers and sisters, for help and advice. I want to help my friend. Any help is greatly appreciated, please pray for her. Thanks,
A Lowly Servant of Christ,
Without knowing the details all I can say is pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. Your friend sounds like they have a wonderful friend.
You mentioned moral relativism. Go to peterkreeft.com and listen to his “Refutation of Moral Relativism” in the download audio section. That is a good place to start. He is also a prolific author and has written much on this subject. This may help you in your discussions. She may also benefit directly from listening to the recording and reading his materials.

Also go to some pro-life websites and get information on arguing the pro-life position from a strictly bioethical position and not just a religious one. There are many powerful and irrefutable arguments against abortion.

Finally, keep the lines of communication open and pray unceasingly.
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