My fellow brothers and sisters, I have a interesting question to pose. Thou we all know that even on the brink of death, a sinner may be saved by the glory of god, I have been contemplating what I consider to be a fascinating scenario. Imagine a man or women versed in religion & spirituality whom chooses to sin in every way possible for the sake of enjoying a earthly life. Now we know this traditionally ends in death, however let’s say this same sinner planned, through scientific methods, to completely obliterate the memory of their sins from their mind. Do you believe god would still hold this person accountable for his or her past under these circumstances? What if the person died soon after said memory was removed, er go losing his or her opportunity to find Christ? In some argument without our memory we are rendered infants or even reborn in a manner of speaking, so how do you think god would respond to this, would he punish the new for the actions of the old?