A Question about Cousins

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This is something I’ve often wondered about but have no answer to.

Several years ago, a female cousin of mine got married. A few years after that, her sister married her husband’s brother. So you have a pair of sisters married to a pair of brothers. Both couples had children.

Each set of children is cousins with the other set. But you usually share only one pair of grandparents with your first cousin. These kids, however, share *both *pairs of grandparents, which is something you normally do only with your siblings. So, although they are not siblings, these kids are more closely related than first cousins.

Now, here’s my question. Is there a technical term for cousins who are more closely related than first cousins?
This has happened in my family and we refer to them as
Double first cousins
Yes. In some state, Kentucky I believe, first cousins can marry as long as thy’re not double first cousisn.

FYI: Laura Ingalls Wilder had two sets of double first cousins. Uncle Henry was Ma’s brother and he was married to Pa’s sister. One of Pa’s brother’s was married to one of Ma’s sisters.
My husband likes to laughingly say my family tree doesn’t have any forks in it. My grandparents were third cousins, my grandmother didn’t have to change her name when she married.
My daddy & his brother married first cousins. As a result, I have 8 1st cousins who are also my 2nd cousins.
What is weirder is that they are all, not just brothers & sisters, they are all each other’s 1st cousins, & 1st cousins once removed.
I have no idea what you would call this, other than http://bestsmileys.com/thinking/2.gifextremely confusing.
This has happened in my family and we refer to them as Double first cousins
That’s what we call them too 🙂

And my family tree is FULL of them- on both sides… We used to recite this little nursery rhyme to explain it to distant and non- relatives:

“Birds of a feather- flock together
And so will pigs and swine
Rats and mice will have thier choice
And so will I have mine.”

Kay Cee:
Now, here’s my question. Is there a technical term for cousins who are more closely related than first cousins?
One big fam-damily headache 😉

They are double first cousins.

My mother went on a couple dates with my aunt’s husband’s (my uncle) brother. My cousins from that marriage, who are closer than any sisters of mine, always kid me that if the fella had been ore persuasive…
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