The wording of Gen. 9:15 has me a bit confused. “I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”
What bothers me is that this wording seems to imply that there was a historical world-wide flood. Lack of scientific evidence for this aside, it was my impression that the teaching of the church about genesis was that it’s not to be interpreted strictly literally. Still, the phrasing leaves little room for interpretation in my mind. I don’t want to split hairs here. I’m assuming there is a simple explanation for this that I’m just not seeing.
What bothers me is that this wording seems to imply that there was a historical world-wide flood. Lack of scientific evidence for this aside, it was my impression that the teaching of the church about genesis was that it’s not to be interpreted strictly literally. Still, the phrasing leaves little room for interpretation in my mind. I don’t want to split hairs here. I’m assuming there is a simple explanation for this that I’m just not seeing.