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Some personalities influence their hosts to be reserved and friendly, while others encourage their hosts to be the life of the party.
Some hosts are inclined to think long-term, while others are inclined to enjoy life as it is.
A few of the personality types listed are even said to influence their hosts to further believe or disbelieve in the existence of a higher power.
God designed the human race so that we would all have varied outlooks in life. The immense variety of all of the things on this planet alone glorifies God immensely.
The many differences in the sizes and environments of planets, the sizes and personalities of human beings, and in the sizes and natures of animals, combine together to create balanced families, societies, and a wonderfully creative universe.
Even though a human being with a particular personality may be stronger than others in certain temporal affairs, this human being, like all others, has his or her own temporal weaknesses, and this human being, like all others, has his or her own spiritual weaknesses.
Thus, *everyone *must rely on spiritual grace to survive in the next life, and God’s graces are for peoples of all kinds of personalities and lookouts in life, with the same purpose: Salvation.
In this sense, we human beings are all equal in temporal strengths and weakness, because what we lack may be given to us from others, and what others lack we may give to them.
Galatians 6:2 —> Bear each other’s burdens.
We are all dependent on the Divine for our spiritual health, and so
none of us -even the being with the strongest possible personality- is truly above the other.
The Beatitudes
Sin taints the bigger picture, but the bigger picture is still easy to see.
A priest gave this sermon and I loved it. Have you ever looked at a stained glass window in church? It is usually beautiful and when the sun shines through it, it’s glorious! People are like the individual pieces of glass in a grand stained glass window–we are all different in appearance, ability and everything else. YET, when the glorious light of God shines through us all together, we are spectacular. Alone, we’d just be an odd shaped piece of colored glass—together, we become something grand indeed!