A question about God I wrestle with daily

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Why did God make us so different? I am not talking about physically. Why are some people mentally stronger than others? There is always free-will. We are all to an extent the product of our environment. There are some people who never seem to need help. Some children who you will rarely ever lecture to. Some people simply leave their sin, they just grow out of it, they never needed a divine intervention. Some people who really do not seem like they need a God in their life or even another human being. While others, they need more help than others. Some children you tell them things like seven times before they finally get it. Some people can easily forgive and forget, while others struggle. How can God love us all equally if some of us are more difficult to deal with than others? Some of us need Him more than others.
Variety is the spice of life! If everyone were the same we would die of boredom… 🙂
A priest gave this sermon and I loved it. Have you ever looked at a stained glass window in church? It is usually beautiful and when the sun shines through it, it’s glorious! People are like the individual pieces of glass in a grand stained glass window–we are all different in appearance, ability and everything else. YET, when the glorious light of God shines through us all together, we are spectacular. Alone, we’d just be an odd shaped piece of colored glass—together, we become something grand indeed!
😉 Take a look at this webpage.


Some personalities influence their hosts to be reserved and friendly, while others encourage their hosts to be the life of the party.

Some hosts are inclined to think long-term, while others are inclined to enjoy life as it is.

A few of the personality types listed are even said to influence their hosts to further believe or disbelieve in the existence of a higher power.

God designed the human race so that we would all have varied outlooks in life. The immense variety of all of the things on this planet alone glorifies God immensely.

The many differences in the sizes and environments of planets, the sizes and personalities of human beings, and in the sizes and natures of animals, combine together to create balanced families, societies, and a wonderfully creative universe.

Even though a human being with a particular personality may be stronger than others in certain temporal affairs, this human being, like all others, has his or her own temporal weaknesses, and this human being, like all others, has his or her own spiritual weaknesses.

Thus, *everyone *must rely on spiritual grace to survive in the next life, and God’s graces are for peoples of all kinds of personalities and lookouts in life, with the same purpose: Salvation.

In this sense, we human beings are all equal in temporal strengths and weakness, because what we lack may be given to us from others, and what others lack we may give to them.
Galatians 6:2 —> Bear each other’s burdens.

We are all dependent on the Divine for our spiritual health, and so none of us -even the being with the strongest possible personality- is truly above the other.
The Beatitudes

Sin taints the bigger picture, but the bigger picture is still easy to see.
A priest gave this sermon and I loved it. Have you ever looked at a stained glass window in church? It is usually beautiful and when the sun shines through it, it’s glorious! People are like the individual pieces of glass in a grand stained glass window–we are all different in appearance, ability and everything else. YET, when the glorious light of God shines through us all together, we are spectacular. Alone, we’d just be an odd shaped piece of colored glass—together, we become something grand indeed!
I am actually surprised this causes you to question God. God is by nature infinite, and if you look at all the variety He has made, why would you question variety in people? We are not all the same, nor are we all called to be the same. We all show a different side of God - no two people are alike, even identical twins. God is infinitely different and various. That is how wonderful He is. Our minds will have to ever expand to appreciate Him.

The other matter of comparing people and questioning differences is otherwise known as ‘the clone wars’ which is common today, since many people cannot tolerate difference - in anything really. And remember, the clones were part of the dark side.
“All the animals of the forest stood back in awe as the elephant passed by.
They marveled at his power and his glory because it seemed to them every time he passed by, the jungle held a scent that spoke of heavenly things.
It was the lowly earthworm and not even a man that knew the secret of the elephant’s passing, for it was the worm alone, who understood that the heavenly perfume came not from the elephant himself, but from the little crushed violets who blessed his feet as he passed by.

(Elephant) Lord of the forest
Full of power and glory
Be mindful of the violets
That bless your feet as you pass by!”

John Cooper O.F.M. Cap.
God, in his wisdom, created us with our differences so that we need each other, help each other, and cooperate as a society, thereby glorifying him. One person can grow plants, another can build machines, another can heal, another can navigate, another can carry out plans, and so on. If people were not all so different, we probably would have died off long ago.

In 1 Corinthians 12, St. Paul writes about spiritual gifts and the differences among us. In Chapter 13, he writes that our gifts amount to nothing without love. In Chapter 14, he instructs us to work together, each according to our God-given talents, so that the church may be built up.

Give thanks and praise to God, who created humanity such as it is.
Any person can raise himself up to a higher and more noble plane by determining to do so.

The tragedy is that many people do not try.

“If people hadn’t figured me out by now they never would. I just followed my conscience. What’s to explain about that?” – ( some girl said that 😃 )
God loves some more than others. Meaning, God is more merciful to some than to others. But there will be an accounting - remember the parable of the talents. Whatdid you do with the talent God gave you??? :eek:
God loves some more than others. Meaning, God is more merciful to some than to others. But there will be an accounting - remember the parable of the talents. Whatdid you do with the talent God gave you??? :eek:
It isn’t a question of God loving some more than others. God gives different talents to different people. Even a mentally ill street person is loved equally by God and has a purpose—if only to teach some of us with more obvious gifts charity and compassion.
He doesn’t. But he loves us all enough to die for us. Isn’t that enough?
well, lots of people have love like that, I can honestly say I love(d) my ex-wife to the extent I would have taken a bullet for her, (died for her), I think alot of people feel this way about their spouses, so really, there is nothing extra special about that.
Why did God make us so different? I am not talking about physically. Why are some people mentally stronger than others? There is always free-will. We are all to an extent the product of our environment. There are some people who never seem to need help. Some children who you will rarely ever lecture to. Some people simply leave their sin, they just grow out of it, they never needed a divine intervention. Some people who really do not seem like they need a God in their life or even another human being. While others, they need more help than others. Some children you tell them things like seven times before they finally get it. Some people can easily forgive and forget, while others struggle. How can God love us all equally if some of us are more difficult to deal with than others? Some of us need Him more than others.
He made us different and in different circumstances so He can administer His mercy and justice variously.
Why did God make us so different?
I think this is because we are made to be social beings. Some of the things looks gray because we live in a world corrupted by sin. So, what would be a genius without us?
Don’t we share in each other work? All the good works were set before us by God.
Problem is when the personal glory or profit is a priority.
God made people different so we can glorify God in different ways.

God also let people afflicted with different sufferings, perversions etc as a result of sin so we can again variously glorify God.

Finally recall, there is a hierarchy in heaven as on earth and even among the demons.
Why did God make us so different? I am not talking about physically. Why are some people mentally stronger than others? There is always free-will. We are all to an extent the product of our environment. There are some people who never seem to need help. Some children who you will rarely ever lecture to. Some people simply leave their sin, they just grow out of it, they never needed a divine intervention. Some people who really do not seem like they need a God in their life or even another human being. While others, they need more help than others. Some children you tell them things like seven times before they finally get it. Some people can easily forgive and forget, while others struggle. How can God love us all equally if some of us are more difficult to deal with than others? Some of us need Him more than others.
Maybe it is because God did not create us as individuals. God simply set things in motion and we, after billions of years, resulted solely from our parent’s interaction.
Maybe it is because God did not create us as individuals. God simply set things in motion and we, after billions of years, resulted solely from our parent’s interaction.
God did not have any plan? It was whim?
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