A question about Mary from a convert

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Alrighty then.

My name is Taylor by the way and I liked to say that I find this site wonderful so far. I am a convert from a Protestant religion, United Church of Christ, and now I am Catholic.

But as for my question at hand.

As I’ve stated in my title I am a convert and one thing that is extremely difficult for me is the subject of Mary the Mother of God. I am not confused that we are praying to her as I know that we do not but I am struggling with praying with her. Being a convert often my heart yells at me for praying with Mary but my mind understands that there is no reason to be so angry or so disturbed by it.

In times of troubles I’m alright with going to her to pray with but when I’m just trying to pray with her generally my logical side of my brain yells at me telling me that this is wrong even though I know its not. So my question is how do you go about this? Do I continue to try and pray with Mary or just go to her in times of trouble? I don’t like just going in times of trouble I feel that it doesn’t build a good relationship with her and I wish to have one.

Thank you.


(Also I didn’t know which form to post this in I thought this was a good form but if there is a differnt form I should post this in please tell me. Thank you.)
Give it time, pray on it, and read a book about Mary (like Scott Hahn’s, ‘Hail Holy Queen’). The teachings about Mary and other Catholic teachings and spirituality take time to develop.
another convert here
in your text you say the right thing “pray WITH Mary”. i suggest you look at the oldest and most approved prayers involving Mary, like the “Hail Mary”
a collection of quotes from the Bible, Glorifying God and his nature on earth… and an appeal for Mary to “pray for us”

the best appeals are always for Mary (or other saints) to "pray WITH or FOR us, the same as i would ask you, a fellow Catholic, to pray for me… only Mary is far more perfected, and far closer, to God than i can be (still living on earth, and not in heaven)

i find some prayers a bit odd in their phrasing, but you know? the only thing we are required to do is in the Bible
example: “Love God”
and regarding Mary:
“all generations shall call me Blessed/Holy” and “honor thy Mother”

after all, she is the mother of God… she certainly is Blessed… and she certainly is Holy. and there is no shame in honoring her as such.

just stick with th ebasics. no one can make you pay much attention to any of the saints (Mary included) but certainly you should Honor and call her Blessed…
Alrighty then.

My name is Taylor by the way and I liked to say that I find this site wonderful so far. I am a convert from a Protestant religion, United Church of Christ, and now I am Catholic.

But as for my question at hand.

As I’ve stated in my title I am a convert and one thing that is extremely difficult for me is the subject of Mary the Mother of God. I am not confused that we are praying to her as I know that we do not but I am struggling with praying with her. Being a convert often my heart yells at me for praying with Mary but my mind understands that there is no reason to be so angry or so disturbed by it.

In times of troubles I’m alright with going to her to pray with but when I’m just trying to pray with her generally my logical side of my brain yells at me telling me that this is wrong even though I know its not. So my question is how do you go about this? Do I continue to try and pray with Mary or just go to her in times of trouble? I don’t like just going in times of trouble I feel that it doesn’t build a good relationship with her and I wish to have one.

Thank you.


(Also I didn’t know which form to post this in I thought this was a good form but if there is a differnt form I should post this in please tell me. Thank you.)
Welcome to the church! A prayer is a conversation. Prayer includes thanksgiving, petitions and meditations on your faith. You would have a conversation with your mother and mean no disrespect to your father. It is the same with the mother of God. Mary can teach you to be a parent. Mary can teach you to love your mother. Mary can nurture you in times of need. This does not supercede your prayers to our Lord. It is in addition to your prayers to the Father.

I hope this helps!
The devil hates Mary. More than that, he’s afraid of her. He will do anything he can to keep you away from her. Her heart ‘magnifies’ the lord; when you look at her you can see her son ever more clearly. So keep at it! Wear a miraculous medal at all times and try to say a decade a day, eventually graduating to saying a whole rosary a day.
Alrighty then.

My name is Taylor by the way and I liked to say that I find this site wonderful so far. I am a convert from a Protestant religion, United Church of Christ, and now I am Catholic.

But as for my question at hand.

As I’ve stated in my title I am a convert and one thing that is extremely difficult for me is the subject of Mary the Mother of God. I am not confused that we are praying to her as I know that we do not
we do pray to Mary which are prayers of intercession, we do not use prayers of adoration unless we are praying to god
but I am struggling with praying with her. Being a convert often my heart yells at me for praying with Mary but my mind understands that there is no reason to be so angry or so disturbed by it.
In times of troubles I’m alright with going to her to pray with but when I’m just trying to pray with her generally my logical side of my brain yells at me telling me that this is wrong even though I know its not. So my question is how do you go about this?
understand there are many types of prayer not all prayer is adoration
Do I continue to try and pray with Mary or just go to her in times of trouble? I don’t like just going in times of trouble I feel that it doesn’t build a good relationship with her and I wish to have one.
Thank you.
(Also I didn’t know which form to post this in I thought this was a good form but if there is a differnt form I should post this in please tell me. Thank you.)
Protestant are free to develop whatever explaination they chose to address whether Jesus had sin or not however Catholics are taught a specific doctrine from the Church. For example Protestants can believe Jesus was with sin until baptism. Or they can believe Jesus was not man with a human nature. Many Protestants are coming to understand the true role Mary.
I’m a convert too. Don’t think of it as praying, think of it as talking. Talk to Mary as you would talk to your Mother, because she’s your mother too. Talk to her about what it going on in your life. Tell her how you’d like to grow closer to her Son. Bring her flowers in the form of the Rosary.
=TaylorSSYM;5751358]Alrighty then.
My name is Taylor by the way and I liked to say that I find this site wonderful so far. I am a convert from a Protestant religion, United Church of Christ, and now I am Catholic.
But as for my question at hand.
As I’ve stated in my title I am a convert and one thing that is extremely difficult for me is the subject of Mary the Mother of God. I am not confused that we are praying to her as I know that we do not but I am struggling with praying with her. Being a convert often my heart yells at me for praying with Mary but my mind understands that there is no reason to be so angry or so disturbed by it.
In times of troubles I’m alright with going to her to pray with but when I’m just trying to pray with her generally my logical side of my brain yells at me telling me that this is wrong even though I know its not. So my question is how do you go about this? Do I continue to try and pray with Mary or just go to her in times of trouble? I don’t like just going in times of trouble I feel that it doesn’t build a good relationship with her and I wish to have one.
Thank you.
(Also I didn’t know which form to post this in I thought this was a good form but if there is a differnt form I should post this in please tell me. Thank you.)
Hi taylor,

Welcome Home! and welcome to the Forum.

One would be hard pressed indeed to find any Catholic Canonized Saint that did not have a powerful belief and a srong personal relationship with Mary, the Mother of God.

The reasons for this vary, but at root are two indispuitable facts. Mary is the Mother of our God.

Mary is thee most perfect human geing in the history of the world.

The Logic goes like this"

Jesus is God
Mary is the Mother of Jesus
So, mary then MUST be the Mother of God.

Here is the biblical evidence:

LUKE Chapter 1: 26 “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.** And he came to her and said, “Hail, full of grace, * the Lord is with you!”** But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How shall this be, since I have no husband?” And the angel said to her, **"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born * will be called holy, the Son of God. **

Certainly we can, and should pray directly to God. But many of us * which among other things means I offer Mary everything I think and do daily, and ask her to pass it on to her Son for me. She does so willingly and adds her prayers to my own!

To be clear Catholics do NOT worship Mary or anyone except God Himself. “Worship is reservered ONLY for God.” We do pray THROUGH Mary to God," and try to emulate her as the most perfect of all of God’s created things.

Many of us find comfort in talking “to Mother,” the words just seem to flow easier?

So do what you’re comfortable with. But don’t hesitate to call on "Mom, in time of need:thumbsup:

Love and prayers friend!

Wow… thank so much guys… I’d comment on all of yours but there is a lot. But thanks so much. This is really helping me get a understanding of her. I’ve heard a lot of this from my youth group I attend but many of this I haven’t also.

Another question though. Is it ok for me to just talk to her instead of doing a rosary, that is until I feel called to do so? I mean just chat with her instead of praying with the rosary?

I know one of you said to call her mom… I still find that difficult though at that moment.

Thanks guys again.

Taylor. 🙂
first of all, a slight explanation of MY background…
i am a convert, coming from a rather long journey seeking religious answers… my dad was/is a protestant minister. i came to the Catholic Chruch for many reasons, but what GOT me to the point that i even looked, was the Rosary. The Rosary is, without question, my favorite form of prayer and meditation…

now, let me state this: there is NO obligation, ever, to say the Rosary.

while it is encouraged, and has been the favroite form of prayer and meditation of many people, has been used to teach Catholic doctrine, and the subject of many books… it has always been a symbol of the Catholic faith… and many Popes and Saints have spoken out for it.
and you still dont need to have anything to do with it

in fact, you needn’t “talk to Mary” or have much to do with any of the Saints other than their limited mention in Church. its optional… i think it would be VERY good to follow the advice of many of teh foremost teachers of the Christian faith in actively walking with Mary in faith… but its optional not required in any way.

that said
i find that most people who dont find much appealing in the Rosary… either know little about the Rosary, or are just having problems with the symbols as it relates to some pre conceived notions…
i would suggest that you do a bit of reading ABOUT the Rosary.
i am an amateur historian, and love books about the history of the church and the rosary… you may find those dull… but walk into any good bookstore (even a Barnes and Noble) and browse the books on the Rosary.

the Rosary is much more than a collection of prayers. in fact, that is the LEAST part of it. the greater part is the meditations on the life of Christ (the Mysteries) and the education about the Bible, prayer, and doctrine that go with it.

also look into the web. www.rosaryarmy.com is a good one, although they no longer have a chat forum.
Hello and welcome,
When you are meditating and thinking about the different events in the life of Jesus, think of Mary as like a tour guide. If you were to set out on a walking tour alone there may be some very interesting and enlightening details you may overlook. When you make the same tour with a guide it is more thorough. There are many tour guides thoughout scripture and all of them point to Christ. Mary just happens to be the director. 👍
Hello and welcome,
When you are meditating and thinking about the different events in the life of Jesus, think of Mary as like a tour guide. If you were to set out on a walking tour alone there may be some very interesting and enlightening details you may overlook. When you make the same tour with a guide it is more thorough. There are many tour guides thoughout scripture and all of them point to Christ. Mary just happens to be the director. 👍
I really like how you put that 😃

Thanks so much guys this is really helping me realize who Mary really is. I’m going to begin just talking with her and then the Rosary. I was doing the Rosary for a while with my Youth Group but it just got to much for me. I might begin doing it once a week with them though. Thank for all the (name removed by moderator)ut you guys have given me.
Wow… thank so much guys… I’d comment on all of yours but there is a lot. But thanks so much. This is really helping me get a understanding of her. I’ve heard a lot of this from my youth group I attend but many of this I haven’t also.

Another question though. Is it ok for me to just talk to her instead of doing a rosary, that is until I feel called to do so? I mean just chat with her instead of praying with the rosary?

I know one of you said to call her mom… I still find that difficult though at that moment.

Thanks guys again.

Taylor. 🙂
Absolutely! She’s you’re Mom too:D
Let it come lightly at first. I understand this. Say a short Hail Mary when you pray tonight, or even just add 'Mary, pray for me!" to your nightly prayers. You don’t have to start off praying the Hail, Holy Queen. I understand how this can be hard to a convert, believe me, and short ejaculations of ‘Mary, pray for me!’ can really help to get you used to it. She is our dear friend and intercessor in heaven. It’s really no different than praying with another Christian on earth, when you think of it.
So my question is how do you go about this?
I am involved in the RCIA at my parish. This year we have had some serious issues with the Marion doctrines (and some others needless to say). I am by default not choice acting as a sponsor. After one of the very early not well handled (my opinion) discussions, I apologized to the Catechumen I am sponsoring for these type of interruptions and so early in the RCIA program.

This Catechumen has not voice any opposition to the Marion doctrines, so I asked if she had a problem with them or Mary at all, and that if she did maybe we can go over what she may have issues with in a more “quiet” manner. She told me “Mary is all about her Son, what issue could I have with that?!”. I have never heard such a simplistic yet thorough explanation about Our Lady.

My recommendation, continue to attend Mass and make it all about “Her Son”, she’ll come. This on the anniversary of the last apparition in Fatima.

With God’s graces…
=daughterofeve;5817443]I am involved in the RCIA at my parish. This year we have had some serious issues with the Marion doctrines (and some others needless to say). I am by default not choice acting as a sponsor. After one of the very early not well handled (my opinion) discussions, I apologized to the Catechumen I am sponsoring for these type of interruptions and so early in the RCIA program.
This Catechumen has not voice any opposition to the Marion doctrines, so I asked if she had a problem with them or Mary at all, and that if she did maybe we can go over what she may have issues with in a more “quiet” manner. She told me “Mary is all about her Son, what issue could I have with that?!”. I have never heard such a simplistic yet thorough explanation about Our Lady.
My recommendation, continue to attend Mass and make it all about “Her Son”, she’ll come. This on the anniversary of the last apparition in Fatima.
With God’s graces…
How beautiful!

Faith is a gift from God not granted to all, and not given to the same degree to all.

We are obligated to share our faith fully, and with clairty and charity:thumbsup: We should never ARGUE:blush:

Present the truth with Biblical evidence, but quicly point out that the Bible itself tells us in John 21:25 that NOT everything is in the Bible. Speak of the three leg “tripod” of Catholic beliefs.
  1. The Bible 2 Tim. 3:16
  2. Traditions 1 Cor. 11:1 and 2 Thess. 2:15
  3. And Common sense.
Jesus is God Luke 1:35
Mary is the Mother of Jesus Luke 1:26-34
Therefore Mary must be and is the Mother of God.

Never raise your voice. Stop a heated debate by proclaiming Folks NOW is the time to pray… Please join me: "Our Father ec"t. then take a short break.

We must NEVER force or views on anyone! Never!

Love and prayers,

When a little child is hurt, the first person he wants is his Mama.

That’s the same thing with Mary. When I’m hurt, I go to my mother and ask her intercession to help me through my pain. She sends her love and warmth to me, and she helps me out.

As a male I have conversations (one way of course) with Our Lady and I always address Her as “Mother” and I know she is always listening and I’m positive that at times She can reprimand me in Her mysterious ways…I seem to get unexplainable indications of which way to go in some situations and when to turn back as well!!..I have become ever closer to Her in recent times and faithfully say The Rosary every day…I thank God for Her role in my life now and fully appreciate Her role in our redemption…to think She carried Jesus in her womb for 9 months…She nourished Him…and He now nourishes us in The Eucharist…no wonder we revere Her so much…Ave Maria
I do not think that Catholics pray with Mary. We pray to Mary as we would go to our Mother to ask her to get our father to lend us the car. She has pull we dont.

For Angels and Saints we may honor, love and reverence them to a degree of intense love called dulia. For Our Blessed Mother Mary there is reserved a love and respect and honor called hyper-dulia. Our Blessed Lady is the perfect human but only human. A perfect model of virtues, the perfect disciple.

Someone said we do not pray prayers of adoration to The Blessed Mother and that is not exactly true. Adoration is an intense love as we adore our children. The form of prayer that is reserved only for God is Worship. Different word same intent.
Our prayers to/through Mary and the other Saints are a also a sign of persistence. Who better to go before you and ask along with your prayers than the ones who have gone before and are more familiar. Mary is very familiar to God and holds a special place being both Mother and a Chosen Vessel…who better to ask for assistance.

Think of it in terms of our earthly mundane life. If you want something or need something and have to ask for it are you more likely to get it by asking for it by yourself or with the assistance of other people?

Luke 11:5-8 gives a perfect example of persistence and even ends “I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.”

Currently I am having a problem with one of my Non-Denominational friends on this very topic now. He always throws out the “you don’t have to go through the Pope, Saints or anyone else.” As Catholics, we know, understand or are learning this. We do this because through Baptism we are a community and a family. Our family includes all “those” Saints and Mary as our Mother…so why not ask “big brother” Aquinas for help? Why not ask our Mother who was given to us at Calvary by Jesus himself for help?

Okay, one final rambling being that my thoughts and writing are very sporadic as I try to get everything down. I think its just a matter of time before you become totally comfortable with Mary as a person to pray to for assistance. You have to remember that as a Protestant for years you have not done it. Its just a matter of baby steps and takes time.

edited for spelling but not rambling
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