A question from catechumen about Rite of Elect

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I think I am not ready to be baptized. Does that mean I should not go for the Rite of Elect? I am a catechumen.
Speak to your pastor.
He will be able to help you far more than any anonymous person on the Internet.
Yes, but you’re asking for advice. Advice that would best come from your parish priest.
why’d you ask a message board for our opinion?
I would like to know whether it is OK for me to make my own decision.
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While you can decide at any point prior to baptism that you are not ready, if you know for certain that you do not want to be baptized at the Easter Vigil this year, you should probably refrain from participating in the Rite of Election.

But, as everyone else has said, this is something you should discuss with your priest.
Ultimately you do make your own decision, regardless of who advises you. But if you want good advice, turn to your priest, not to a bunch of anonymous people on a message board whom you’ve never met and barely know anything about you or your situation.

You know who gives good advice? The Batpriest gives good advice. Hey, @edward_george1, what’s up?
While you can decide at any point prior to baptism that you are not ready, if you know for certain that you do not want to be baptized at the Easter Vigil this year, you should probably refrain from participating in the Rite of Election.
I would like to know whether it is OK for me to make my own decision.
Certainly it’s allowed … the Church won’t clap you in irons and force you to be baptized. However, your pastor can likely help you work through these thoughts of doubt.
Of course you are going to make your own decision – but since you are asking for advice, we’re telling you the best person to give that is your pastor.
It’s entirely your decision about whether you want to be baptized.

But if you wish to defer this Easter, you should ask the RCIA director or your priest about whether you should go through the Rite of Election.
My advice is the same as anyone else’s. Talk to your priest. Talk to him about the reasons why you don’t feel you’re ready. Maybe you’re overthinking things. You seem to post a lot of threads worrying about things.

It is normal to have second doubts about participating in X, Y and Z before being received into the Catholic Church.

I (candidate) was ready to leave while we were meeting the bishop before the Mass with the Rite of the Elect. Talked a few minutes with our deacon who simply said “It is the bad guy trying his hardest to get you back into his fold. You weren’t interested to him before as you were already in his gang but now when you are leaving he is giving you a hard time!”

As others have said: Talk with your priest or deacon. I had several meetings with them before I was received into the Church. In many ways those were more important than the classes as I had “studied my way into the faith”. Keep a notebook with what you want to talk about at the next meeting.

Something that helped me was also to write down my thoughts, worries and joys in my “Spiritual diary”. Don’t keep it neat, just write. Add pictures, poems etc that gives you courage and helps you to love God and neighbour more.
“It is the bad guy trying his hardest to get you back into his fold. You weren’t interested to him before as you were already in his gang but now when you are leaving he is giving you a hard time!”
In my case, I was influenced by many atheists. They guide me how to leave the catholic faith and how God is not real. I have lost my believe so much that I feel I am not ready to become a catholic, possible will never be a catholic anymore.
In my case, I was influenced by many atheists. They guide me how to leave the catholic faith and how God is not real. I have lost my believe so much that I feel I am not ready to become a catholic, possible will never be a catholic anymore.
Rutherford, I say this with respect: you have a lot of growing up to do. You come across as a very immature and easily influenced person. A month ago you were insisting that you were going to be a priest and then an exorcist. Then you didn’t want to be baptized because your family didn’t approve. Now you’re drifting into atheism.

I get that you’re probably very young, but you need to step back and figure out what you believe. Stop being influenced by what your family wants, what some atheists on the internet say, and what some tv show or movie depicts exorcisms as. You’re all over the map.

Good luck.
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Go and talk with your parish priest or deacon. They are the ones that can help you the best not people on the internet. I would encourage you to have at least a couple of them.
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At a minimum, the decent thing to do is to inform the priest or anyone else who has assisted you with your formation and preparation thus far that you’re making the decision to stop here. They may want to discuss it with you; that’s up to you. To simply disappear or not show up when you’re expected would be rude at the least.
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