Kepha, where did you get those statistics? That’s a new one to me.
I personally have never heard of a priest refusing to officiate a mixed marriage – not saying it hasn’t happened, of course, but I certainly haven’t encountered anyone who’s had this prob. You do need a dispensation from the bishop, I believe, to wed a non-Catholic in the Catholic Church. (I don’t believe these are hard to get).
I personally married a non-religious man. I love my husband with all my heart, but I do wish that we could share our faith. In some ways, that would be much easier with a Protestant, and in some ways it would be much harder. I dated a couple of Protestant guys, and I found that some of them found Catholic practices downright “idolatrous,” and a lot of arguments resulted.
If at all possible, I would encourage you to look inside the Church for a husband. There are some excellent Catholic dating sites out there.