So I have been talking to my friends and thinking myself about the idea of relativism. I have a few questions about the refutation of relativism from a Catholic standpoint.
I have not studied much philosophy or anything like that so I hope that all makes sense. What I am looking for is a refutation of this mode of thought and a good argument and explanation that there is objective truth beyond what our human bodies can sense.
- What is reality? Is it solely based on our human senses? If so, what if our senses are different? How do we know which is the ‘right’ way to sense reality? Is there an absolute reality out there?
- After breaking down human perception, we came to the question of “Can we be sure of anything other than what we perceive?”. What if we are all subjects to a system as in the Matrix, where our worldly perception comes only from a plug in the back of our head? How would we know? How can we be absolutely certain of anything other than what we sense and perceive? and also, considering my first point, how do we know that what we do see as objective truth is the fullness of what truth is in a state of full omniscience?
I have not studied much philosophy or anything like that so I hope that all makes sense. What I am looking for is a refutation of this mode of thought and a good argument and explanation that there is objective truth beyond what our human bodies can sense.