A question on the covering of the head

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I like to know what does the Catholic Church teach in regards to the following scripture.

1st Corinthians 11:3-16

Or better yet can someone refer me to a resource that has Church teaching on the scriptures.

In the church I was part of in the past we were taught that women had to cover their heads while praying or prophesying and men uncover their heads. In the masses I’ve gone to the majority of women do not use any type of covering, althogh there are some who use a veil or scarf. I’ve never seen any men with any type of head ware while in church.

Thank you for helping,

It is regarded as a something done during those times, and is not considered to be a binding declaration forever.

In the Latin rite, in most of the US, most women do not cover their heads. It isn’t part of our culture to do so. If one goes to a Tridintine mass, the women will be wearing veils, as that is part of that style of worship.

If one choses to, they may cover their heads; it’s a personal devotion.

BTW, you may have opened a can of worms…LOL.
Here, try this from the rock. Scroll down.

Here is a quote from that:
The document Inter Insigniores by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (October 15, 1976) stated that the 1917 Code of Canon Law (canon 1262.2) requiring women to wear veils on their heads was a custom of the period and that such ordinances “concern scarcely more than disciplinary practices of minor importance.” Thus the obligation “no longer has a normative value.” But, as a sign of respect, women still are required to wear a veil when meeting the pope.
Sententia’s post said it all about the Church’s position on this matter.

I would just add, that when we are studying Paul’s letter, and really all the Letters of the NT, it has to be remembered that he was writing for a specific people and their culture and situation. Therefore, it’s important to study what is the inspired truth for all times and what was Paul being a man of his times.
Thank you both.

Sententia why do you say I’ve opened up a can of worms?

And how about any recommendation of a resource, for example website, or book, that gives breakdown of the scriptures from Catholic perspective. Know of any?

Off topic but funny I think.

A moslem woman is looking into the mirror and says to her husband. “Does this make my head look big?” 😃
It’s a can of worms because this topic has come up many many many times. Use the search feature and you will find many threads on this topic…half of them recent!

We are not required to cover our heads.

Basically, what happened, is that prior to Vatican II it was custom for American women to cover their heads at Mass, often with hats, which changed to lacy veils after the debut of Casablanca.

Anyway, at Vatican II, a secular reporter approached one of the Cardinals and inquired about women’s head coverings. He looked at her blankly and proclaimed, “It’s not on the ajenda.”.

She ran off and told the world that women were no longer required to cover their heads, per Vatican II council.

So in the era of bra-burning and radical feminism, women burned their veils, left the Church, and began worshipping goddesses and other demigods. We call this “New Age” and Ursalines and unhabited nuns, for the most part.

Those who remained in the Church no longer wore the veil with the exeption of First Communion and Holy Matrimony.

Now it is a devotion which is coming back out of reverence to our Lord and Savior. Some of of wear the veil out of modesty, out of recognition that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, and that, going back through time, it is a longstanding custom of the Church.

We react to the immodesty of our culture, and our own personal calling to cover our heads in the presence of God.

I really do encourage you to complete a search to find out more about this. Just use keywords such as “headcoverings”, “mantilla” or “veil” and you should find a bunch of stuff.
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