A Rather Troubling Review of the 'Gay Cowboy' Movie

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"I went to see this movie because of the good buzz surrounding the performances of the lead actors Heath and Jake. The performances are good and convincing, but the subject matter is the biggest turn off for anyone heterosexual. Certainly this film would Never have gained as much respect if it had featured a normal couple, and this is a tribute to how Hollywood and the left-wing press loves any film that has “diversity” in it. Take out the homosexuality and you have an empty film that has nothing really worthy of merit save the performances of the two leads.

It has been sensibly debuted only in limited theater release and as such is bound to be a commercial failure given it’s budget and it’s not so great opening weekend. No doubt the Homosexual community want to champion this film. There is also a very off putting love scene that lasts quite a while, that is very difficult to tolerate if you aren’t liberal in your ideology. If you want a good film that dals with homosexuality then look at the much better philedelphia with Tom Hanks.

Above all if you want to comment on the film at least make sure you watch it, although this is such a predictably politically correct film that it really has no appeal outside of it’s target audience. If you want real morality look at some of the other films on release, and forget this heavily biased propaganda vehicle."

According to this review, no heterosexual is about to appreciate a film with homosexual characters. That is rather strange, especially how much I not only enjoyed Philadelphia but own it also. We are told that this is a leftist propaganda film but oddly enough, there are a good deal of gay conservatives, both closeted and uncloseted. The reviewer expects this to be a commercial failure but again, strangely enough, it was the …1 movie in America the last time I checked. While this reviewer negatively grades it for featuring characters who are not ‘normal’, he claims that The 40 Year Old Virgin is ‘the best comedy of the year’:

Now, I haven’t seen this film yet and neither do I plan on paying to see it. But I just don’t understand why any film would be hated merely for featuring gay characters. It’s perfectly okay for a film to feature men who crash weddings to take advantage of young women, this same reviewer seems to highly enjoy Wedding Crashers. But shepherds dealing with their closeted homosexuality and the pain that can cause? No, that’s just immoral and sick.

I can smell the hypocrisy.

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