A scary experience

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I was in church this morning (Ash Wensday). Right before the Our Father I started to get really dizzy, had trouble breathing, had trouble standing straight (I’m told I wound up leaning on the person next to me until they told me to sit down). And all I could think about was I didn’t want to disturb the mass. And when they finally took me out of church to get me some water and to cool off, I got a feeling like something was trying to get me out of mass. Now I’m Lutheran going to a Catholic school so it could have been an “I don’t belong here” thing. But what felt much more probably was like an evil spirit trying to get me out. Now I could be over-reacting, but it really freaked me out. All I wanted was to get back into mass. I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before. I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, or had any advice. Thank you in advance.
It could be a number of things.

  1. *]You may have one of the bugs going around. They can hit like a ton of bricks.
    *]Did you eat anyhing before school. I know various conditions (i.e. diabedes and hypo-glycemia) can be aggravated by not eating.

    Whatever it was, you may want to go to a doctor.

Yeah, sounds like you got a bug or something. Have you been drinking enough water? Coulda been dehydrated. Or, are you under a lot of stress? Sounds familiar to a panic attack, too. I wouldn’t overreact to much. Getting a checkup is always a good idea though. take care!
Well, I’m sorry you had that experience. Physical Science aside, what about supernatural sources? why are we so quick to discount it? If you feel fine now, then delve deeper into your spiritual and commune with God about it. I believe it was more than just a virus. I believe it was something to do with God. May your search be peaceful.
Almost all the physical stuff has been ruled out. Sick is the only thing that hasn’t been, and I recovered from it withing 5 minutes or so I don’t think that is too likely. As for stress, I’ve been a LOT more stressed than I was today and haven’t had anything happen. It’s the spiritual side that has me worried. Like I said I felt like something was trying to get me out of church.
It is quite possible that it was demonic. But do not be concerned. Use the Holy name of Jesus to banish it if it happens again and be at peace.
It sounds like you are doing things it doesn’t like. These things are much more common than people might think.
Be at peace God loves you.:clapping:
I’ve got no clue. Explain the differance and I can probably tell you which one.
Just pray the St. Michael prayer daily. I’ve had that happen to me on numerous occassions but (thank God) never in Mass. 🙂
St. Micheal the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I was away from the Church for some time, after I returned and went to Mass for the first time in a very long time, a similar thing happened to me, I thought it might have been the temperature (it was very warm) and the incense. I was not “coming down” with anything. I felt lightheaded and had trouble focusing…I closed my eyes and listened to the celebrant and servers…and I concentrated and focused on the Celebration of the Mass…as fast as it had come on it was gone.

Now, in retrospect I can’t help thinking if there was something that did not want me to return to the Church? It has never happened again.
This works for Lutherans too.
St Michael’s Prayer

Saint Michael defend us in Battle. Be our safegaurd against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do though, oh prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, Cast down satan, and all his evil spirits who wonder now through out the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I’ve got no clue. Explain the differance and I can probably tell you which one.
what i said was just a joke, it doesnt mean anything. It has nothing to do with what happened
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