From the time I was a child until late in high school, I though of becoming a priest and fervently prayed for a sign from God. I eventually received what I thought was a sign that perhaps God was not in fact calling me to a priestly vocation (a bit of a long and sad story). After graduating from high school I began a very rewarding career in funeral service, which has spanned the last 20 years. In 1998 I married and my wife and we had two beautiful sons (now 12 and 14). We had what I thought was a very happy and successful marriage, that is until I arrived home from work one afternoon to find that she had left me and our sons for a man she met on-line in England. This completely unexpected departure rocked me to the core and devastated our families. In speaking with her afterwards, she expressed that she was completely unhappy with our marriage and wanted to end it - I was blown away! I have to say that I could not see how we could move on as husband and wife when the very core of our marriage - trust and faith - were so damaged. That was two years ago. She is currently living with another man and she is part of our children’s lives. During this past year I have felt that same call from God as I did throughout my school years. I continue to pray fervently and attend mass regularly - God, in addition to a very supportive family, has truly been my rock for these last few years. But I am very confused - I want to answer God’s call, but at the same time I feel like a hypocrite and even feel as though I’m being blasphemous. So I guess what I’m wondering is this: can a divorced man with children become a priest? Also, given the fact that I am 41 and have no university degree, I have to ask: what educational commitments would be expected of me? I haven’t spoken with my parish priest yet. I thought I would try posting something here in order to get some feedback first. I appreciate all your comments…don’t hold back.