I’m writing a series of movies (which I do say God has played a very major part in writing through events in my life and dreams), and I have a couple of somewhat odd questions:
- The enemy’s robotic army, known as “Zombies”, name their mecha based on chess pieces (for example, the Pawn is a grunt fighter which makes up the backbone of their forces, the Rook is a groundpounder with heavy weapons and low mobility, and so forth). Is it moral to call their high-performance, ace units “Bishops”, in reference to the diagonally-moving chess piece?
- After a tragedy which leaves the Earth in chaos, the remnants of the good guys go out and try and straighten things out. One of their first destinations is the Vatican, which they find was protected by advanced technology. Would it be moral to have the Pope in there, and played by an actor? More than likely there wouldn’t be much dialogue.