With permission, here is a blog entry from a young Franciscan University of Steubenville student, reflecting on the recent Supreme Court Decision…very well said. His blogsite can also be reached at this address: catholicconvertryanheld.blogspot.com
"In Response To The Supreme Court Ruling
This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States released a decision making Same-sex “marriage” legal in all 50 states. This is wrong, and for several reasons. This can clearly be seen through a proper understanding of Human Nature and Human Love.
What is a human being? A human being is a rational animal. As animal, humans engage in the reproductive act out of a natural urge for the preservation of the species, just like the rest of the animal kingdom. This can only be done when a male comes into union with a female. By this reasoning alone, Same-sex encounters are a perversion of man’s animality.
Same-sex marriage is not only a perversion of man’s animality, but also of his rationality. As rational, the reproductive act is elevated to a higher level. The rational faculty of man allows him to take hold of his nature in freedom. Freedom, properly speaking, is not the ability to do what one wants. It is the ability to choose the good. What is Good. First and foremost, God is Good. God is the author of nature, and if man is ordered to that which is good, good acts are only those that coincide with nature. Love arises from this proper freedom, as it is the desire for the good of another. Human Love is most fully realized within the context of marriage. Humans engage not only in a physical union through the reproductive act, they engage in a complete union, a union of two persons through marriage. For Humans, the reproductive act is properly reserved for marriage, and due to the nature of said act the union in marriage is properly between one man and one woman for life. Proponents of same-sex “marriage”, despite the signs of nature willingly choose to act in an unnatural way, therefore perverting both animality and rationality.
Just as clarifier, same-sex attraction does exist but it is not nature, it is a frustration to nature. Just as blindness is a frustration of man’s natural ability to see, homosexuality also results from a frustration, most likely in man’s desire to procreate. If one finds themselves attracted to the same gender, that does not mean that it is part of their nature. It means there is something wrong.
Apart from being morally wrong, the Supreme Court went beyond its authority today. Chief Justice John Roberts said the following. “This court is not a legislature. Whether same-sex marriage is a good idea should be of no concern to us. Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be.”
To close, I leave the following quote from Eusebius of Caesarea:
Having forbidden all unlawful marriage, and all unseemly practice, and the union of women with women and men with men, he [God] adds: ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for in all these things the nations were defiled, which I will drive out before you. And the land was polluted, and I have recompensed [their] iniquity upon it, and the land is grieved with them that dwell upon it’ [Lev. 18:24–25]" (Proof of the Gospel 4:10 [A.D. 319]).
Catholics, Christians, raise your voices. Do not let this evil stand. Fight for truth.
Also, I’m linking an article from the USCCB that everyone should read. usccb.org/news/2015/15-103.cfm
Please comment and share. This message needs to get out there.
"In Response To The Supreme Court Ruling
This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States released a decision making Same-sex “marriage” legal in all 50 states. This is wrong, and for several reasons. This can clearly be seen through a proper understanding of Human Nature and Human Love.
What is a human being? A human being is a rational animal. As animal, humans engage in the reproductive act out of a natural urge for the preservation of the species, just like the rest of the animal kingdom. This can only be done when a male comes into union with a female. By this reasoning alone, Same-sex encounters are a perversion of man’s animality.
Same-sex marriage is not only a perversion of man’s animality, but also of his rationality. As rational, the reproductive act is elevated to a higher level. The rational faculty of man allows him to take hold of his nature in freedom. Freedom, properly speaking, is not the ability to do what one wants. It is the ability to choose the good. What is Good. First and foremost, God is Good. God is the author of nature, and if man is ordered to that which is good, good acts are only those that coincide with nature. Love arises from this proper freedom, as it is the desire for the good of another. Human Love is most fully realized within the context of marriage. Humans engage not only in a physical union through the reproductive act, they engage in a complete union, a union of two persons through marriage. For Humans, the reproductive act is properly reserved for marriage, and due to the nature of said act the union in marriage is properly between one man and one woman for life. Proponents of same-sex “marriage”, despite the signs of nature willingly choose to act in an unnatural way, therefore perverting both animality and rationality.
Just as clarifier, same-sex attraction does exist but it is not nature, it is a frustration to nature. Just as blindness is a frustration of man’s natural ability to see, homosexuality also results from a frustration, most likely in man’s desire to procreate. If one finds themselves attracted to the same gender, that does not mean that it is part of their nature. It means there is something wrong.
Apart from being morally wrong, the Supreme Court went beyond its authority today. Chief Justice John Roberts said the following. “This court is not a legislature. Whether same-sex marriage is a good idea should be of no concern to us. Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be.”
To close, I leave the following quote from Eusebius of Caesarea:
Having forbidden all unlawful marriage, and all unseemly practice, and the union of women with women and men with men, he [God] adds: ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for in all these things the nations were defiled, which I will drive out before you. And the land was polluted, and I have recompensed [their] iniquity upon it, and the land is grieved with them that dwell upon it’ [Lev. 18:24–25]" (Proof of the Gospel 4:10 [A.D. 319]).
Catholics, Christians, raise your voices. Do not let this evil stand. Fight for truth.
Also, I’m linking an article from the USCCB that everyone should read. usccb.org/news/2015/15-103.cfm
Please comment and share. This message needs to get out there.