A Traditional Catholic School Inquiry

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Hi, I need help determining if it is ok to send my children to a particular school where Latin Mass is celebrated, catechism is studied and memorized and books are Catholic in nature (from the 1950’s)? I was told that the mass that is celebrated is not permitted by the local Bishop, yet I have a problem with other Catholic schools that are Catholic in name only, disobey church teachings and the like, yet are approved by the Bishop. What do I do in a situation where option A has all the right stuff, but no permission, and option B has the permission, but the righ stuff is deifinitely missing?
From your description, I am uncertain what you are describing. Which school is it?
Obedience is always a better choice. But you might try looking around. There are very good schools available that follow the Magisterium.
I agree with Gene Church. Obediance is better. I also know the problems with Catholic Schools teaching the wrong stuff… You could look around, and well, if you felt comfortable with it, and if you can’t find a good one, send them to a public school and teach them religion at home…
Hi, I need help determining if it is ok to send my children to a particular school where Latin Mass is celebrated, catechism is studied and memorized and books are Catholic in nature (from the 1950’s)? I was told that the mass that is celebrated is not permitted by the local Bishop, yet I have a problem with other Catholic schools that are Catholic in name only, disobey church teachings and the like, yet are approved by the Bishop. What do I do in a situation where option A has all the right stuff, but no permission, and option B has the permission, but the righ stuff is deifinitely missing?
I don’t think it would be a good idea to send a child to a school that is staffed by a schismatic religious order. They are being disobediant- what kind of example does that set for children? When a group of people think think they know better than the Church and can reject the Pope or disobey the magisterium so much that they become schismatic, how are they teaching kids to live and love their Catholic faith?

I’ve heard from enough of these groups to know they’re going the wrong direction. They are fixated on every minute detail of the liturgy, and forget that the Mass is about worshipping God- it is not a performance that the laity are responsible for evaluating, and trying to find every reason to not give the celebrant a passing grade. They have no respect for popes or bishops (a truly devout Catholic would give any clergyman the respect that is due to him because of his ordination- even if the clergyman weren’t very orthodox).

Personally, I would send my kids to public schools, and be sure to find a parish with a good CCD program.
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