a.How (if at all) could a person convince you they were an angel through the medium of text or e-mail?
Speed amongst other things. Answers would be almost instantaneous. They wouldn’t need to type SMS messages one letter at a time the way we do.
b.Since angels often influence by whispers, how could you tell if the whispers were from your own conscience or from an angel?
A couple of times I’ve had a voice say something to me that I think was either divine or angelic in origin. First of all it was very clear. I also knew it didn’t come from me. And it specifically answered an issue or issues I’d been thinking about. Actually, it didn’t give the answer on any occasion, but asked a leading question each time,
leading the choice or decision to me.
For example, I once had a crush on an unsuitable young lady in our church (long time ago now). The question was, out of the blue, and very, very clear, “Bob! Is (young lady’s name) SUITED to you?” with an emphasis on the word “suited”. My pastor had been trying to talk me out of it, and this just followed on when I was rather crankily complaining in my own mind about the issue. It most certainly didn’t come from me.
So in this case, context, and the fact it most definitely wasn’t what I wanted to hear.
c.If you saw an angel, what would you need in order to convince yourself that it was real rather than a figment of your imagination?
I think I’d swoon, a bit like the soldiers at the tomb when the angel appeared to roll away the stone. You’d know about it if one turned up in supernatural form.
d.Are the brightest human intellects a millimeter or a kilometer below the lowest angelic intellects?
Someone else answered this fairly well. Their knowledge and understanding is just given to them. We have to laboriously learn the arithmetic tables off by rote. They would just know immediately. It would be given to them. In any case, they’re basically disembodied intelligences.
I had a bit of a demonic attack last night. A dream turned into a nightmare of sorts and when I woke up I was aware of things hanging around the ceiling. But they had no real form, and yet I’m pretty sure they were what might be called disembodied intelligences just on the edge of visibility. And I’m not the only one either.
I mentioned this to another Catholic I work with (we both go to the same church) and he replied, “Oh, I just appeal to the blood of Christ.” In my case I usually say some “Hail Mary’s” in my head and before long the oppressive sense fades.
Just why it happened last night I don’t know.
But the point I’m trying to make is that angels (and demons, which are just fallen angels) are disembodied intelligences. Their intelligence is a gift, and they just “know”, whereas we have to train our brain cells to accept and correlate new information, rather slowly.
I suppose they’re a bit like a computer in one sense. You can just load a computer up with the Encyclopedia Britannica, and when you turn it on, it just “knows” all that information. We on the other hand would struggle for years trying to assimilate all that detail, bit by bit.