A abinjoy Guest Mar 2, 2013 #1 Pope Benedict’s homily at the funeral mass of JPII vatican.va/gpII/documents/homily-card-ratzinger_20050408_en.html
Pope Benedict’s homily at the funeral mass of JPII vatican.va/gpII/documents/homily-card-ratzinger_20050408_en.html
L llenadegracia Guest Mar 2, 2013 #2 Such a wise man! I also love this: vatican.va/bxvi/omaggio/index_en.html “… it is the Eucharist that transforms a simple group of people into an ecclesial community: the Eucharist builds the Church.”
Such a wise man! I also love this: vatican.va/bxvi/omaggio/index_en.html “… it is the Eucharist that transforms a simple group of people into an ecclesial community: the Eucharist builds the Church.”