CCC 2331-2400 gives a basic overview of some of the ways we are called to live married life. The first parts of Genesis, and Eph 22-33 also gives us some very basic guidelines. And
Mulieris Dignitatum expands on these things just a
little bit more (beware, though–it’s a pretty long read).
But the Church doesn’t tell us how to, say, divide household chores, or which spouse should (or shouldn’t) work outside the home, or whether we’re called to this or that volunteer opportunity, or “steps 1, 2, and 3” to show respect or love for our husbands… but that’s probably because those little details can vary quite widely while still bringing us to holiness in our marriages.
I’ve been married for 20 years, and even now, it can sometimes be difficult for me to figure out how God wants me to live out my vocation as a wife and mother,
exactly. I’ve prayed many, many times, “God, give me a sign–what do you want me to do?”
That said, there are some books I would suggest that may help you with more specific examples and advice about living out your calling as a wife through loving and respecting your husband. Keep in mind that each person is different (and therefore, what the “majority” prefers is not necessarily what your spouse prefers), of course.
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhann
Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs (IMO, he can be a little blunt and hard on us wives, but his advice is mostly good and useful)
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The Surrendered Wife by Laura Doyle (disclaimer: I have only skimmed this, not read the whole thing yet, so if there is anything anti-Catholic in it, I apologize in advance!)
There are probably other books and resources out there about discerning God’s Will in your life. Hopefully some other posters will come along soon and recommend some, or offer you some better advice.