A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Free at EWTN

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Dear EWTN Family,

In 2016, EWTN in partnership with Arcadia Films produced a documentary entitled “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”. The documentary tells the story of community organizer Saul Alinsky and how his “Rules for Radicals” has significantly contributed to the situation that we are experiencing today. As we prepare for the upcoming election, every Catholic and every American needs to know:
  1. Why our political discourse is so bad right now?
  2. How Christian beliefs, particularly Catholic beliefs, and those who hold to them have come to be reviled by so many in the secular culture?
  3. Where did political correctness, gender conflict, gender confusion — and so many other aspects of the Culture of Death — come from?
The answer to these questions, and many others, can be found in the EWTN Original Documentary “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,”.

We so strongly believe that every Catholic needs to watch the documentary that we have made OnDemand viewing free of charge during the next 30 days. Go to ewtn.com/wolf
and select the OnDemand option. Free viewing of the documentary is also available from the EWTN app on your internet connected TV, and your tablet and smart phone. For broadcast viewing on EWTN, schedule times are listed on this website as well.
Watch this documentary, share this email with your family and friends. You won’t be sorry that you took the time to educate yourself on these issues.

May God bless you during these days and may God guide our country and its leaders in the days ahead.

I’ve seen it. I didn’t care for how it was presented (seemed kind of cheesy to me I’m not a fan of over-the-top dramatic angle shots and the like) but the content is interesting.
Yes, they have aired that a lot. It’s okay. I guess, they feel they need to spread the word.
Gender ideology is covered in the new version:

Biden was able to recalibrate “discrimination” as anything that openly espoused traditional marriage or insisted that a person actually is his or her biological sex. The Equality Act includes the goal of overturning Trump-era religious policies. The real rub is that sexual orientation and gender identity are granted special legal status with the power to trump religious convictions. Faith-based adoption and foster care agencies would not receive federal grants unless they agreed to place children in same-sex homes. Housing, employment, medical services — all would feel the impact of policies that label religious conviction as discrimination, with the power to sue in court.
It may not be everyone’s cup of tea cinematically, but that really isn’t the point. It’s about how one man named Saul Alinsky and his beliefs and actions have considerably impacted the Church, our culture, and our government.
I’ve seen it. I didn’t care for how it was presented (seemed kind of cheesy to me I’m not a fan of over-the-top dramatic angle shots and the like) but the content is interesting.
The purpose was education, not entertainment, not visual art. The content is more than “interesting” to me - it is deeply troubling, exposing a very dangerous and sly ideology - an enemy of human freedom - that has infiltrated this country in both our government and our Church, the Catholic Church. And it is relevant here and now, in this election, because this enemy is committed and cleverly manipulative, a master of double-speak, currently “ahead in the polls”, if we can believe the polls any more.
I caught the end of this program last year & couldn’t wait to catch it again. Luckily I did catch it when it aired a week ago.

Interesting for sure.

But I have to ask, where is God’s people in all this. Why are we loosing this fight?
I hear ya. I’m from the Chicago area. Corruption is not a new thing. We don’t call it ‘Crook County’ for nothing’.
I hear ya. I’m from the Chicago area. Corruption is not a new thing. We don’t call it ‘Crook County’ for nothing’.
Chicago is seeming to double-down on its historically earned reputation, very sadly. To make a joke on the very troubling realities of some of its influential characters, maybe Chicago could become the new Capital for the New People’s Republic of Socialist America. To save commuting time.
It’s either laugh or cry. Not much I can do about it, either, and my family is not in a position to move, so…but, thankfully, I’m in a suburb rather than in the city itself.
But I have to ask, where is God’s people in all this. Why are we loosing this fight?
I think it’s a matter of censorship & misinformation.

One of the largest cases today of “clothing a wolf as a sheep” is the “man-made” climate change issue, where leftists brainwash people into thinking they’re doing something good when, in fact, it’s about leftists establishing government control over every phase of our lives.

Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, selected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) to lead his “climate change” agenda. AOC & Kamala Harris (Biden’s Vice President candidate) are sponsors of the Green New Deal. According to a study completed by the American Action Forum (one of many studies revealing the huge cost), the Green New Deal would cost up to $94 trillion over the next 10 years, or $60,000 per household over each of the next 10 years.

In another study, the Green New Deal would cost a typical household more than $70,000 in the first year of implementation, approximately $45,000 for each of the next four years, and more than $37,000 each year thereafter, according to a study by Power the Future and the Competitive Enterprise Institute posted on CEI’s webpage.

The goal of the Green New Deal is to eliminate the use of carbon-based fuels and industries.
The overall price tag of the Green New Deal in other studies have been pegged at $93 trillion. It would result in gas taxes of $10-$13 per gallon.

The Green New Deal would drive the American economy into a steep economic depression, while putting off-limits affordable energy necessary for basic social institutions like hospitals, schools, clean water and sanitation, cargo shipments, and the (name removed by moderator)uts needed for the production and transport of the majority of America’s food supply.

In addition, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), “The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis – a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt." So President Trump would be credited by the “man-made” climate change theory supporters if “climate change” was truly their concern. Notice that leftists rarely blame China or India, 2 of the biggest offenders.

AOC’s one-time chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti said that addressing climate change was not Ocasio-Cortez’s top priority in proposing the Green New Deal during a meeting with Washington governor Inslee.

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.
Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing,” he added.
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa is the poster-man regarding the left’s targets. Those of us familiar with Fr. Mitch are well aware of his high level of intelligence and morals.

It’s interesting to hear Fr. Mitch tell the story about how he was fooled by the movement when he was a young and eager priest who wanted to save the world.

By the way, I think the documentary has very high production value, as the dramatic music and mysterious-looking actor give the viewer a good sense of the darkness surrounding the whole socialist movement.
Ouch, I’m right outside Crook County, in another county that is losing people by the hundreds due to the 7th highest property taxes in the country.

I hope you are staying safe from the ANTIFA Marxists tearing down Chicago…
Absolutely! Father Mitch discussed the misdirection, manipulation, deception that is rolled up into nice little balls of “helping the poor” and other seemingly good deeds, and how many Catholic priests and bishops having fallen for the lies, many of which are being pushed on us by Communists as “progressivism” and “liberalism” and “social democracy”.
I’m in a suburb of Chicago…still in Crook County, though. No violence here, so far. Thank God. Back in May, someone did torch the local DMV. But that was the extent of it. Are they still at it in Chicago? I haven’t heard anything lately. Just the routine gang violence that BLM doesn’t seem too worried about.
I haven’t heard much but then again how would we? MSM won’t report it and I’ve tried to limit my viewership of other news sources that discuss this stuff because that ups my blood pressure. Once the cold sets in it’ll settle down until spring in most places.

Once one of the richest countries in the world with a plethora of natural resources, Venezuela is now one of the poorest and at the bottom of the list for places to conduct business. With the backing of full-blown communist regimes, the slide toward socialism and the nationalization of entire industries by the government is directly to blame.

In 2006, former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez ran on an openly socialist platform, “won” and immediately started a government takeover of every private industry in the country. The economics were immediately changed for the worst, eventually collapsing into what we’re seeing today with extreme poverty, starvation, lack of basic medical supplies and more. Adding insult to injury, Chavez’s successor, Maduro, has been blocking desperately needed humanitarian aid from entering the country.

The second lesson is about the Venezuelan government’s 2012 decision to force citizens to turn in their firearms under the guise of combating crime
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